Looking for Specific Movie

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by BlueTiger, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. BlueTiger

    BlueTiger New Member

    A friend of mine has been searching for an old martial arts movie he saw several years ago, but can't remember the title. One of the main plots of the movie is that if the character's hair is cut, he loses his strength. Anyone have any idea what movie this could be?
  2. Marauder

    Marauder Valued Member

    Samson & Delilah?
  3. Cathain

    Cathain Lily Lau Gar

    My first thought as well. I'd love to see the Martial Arts version lol
  4. Journeyman

    Journeyman Valued Member

  5. BlueTiger

    BlueTiger New Member

    Yeah, it's basically Samson & Delilah, but without Delilah. Never seen it myself, but it sounded interesting. I'll check with Jethro at kungfumagazine.com. Thanks everyone.
  6. Journeyman

    Journeyman Valued Member

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