Zhongshan Lau Gar articles translated

Discussion in 'Kung Fu Resources' started by CFT, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. CFT

    CFT Valued Member

    Here is the start of the translation of the various articles on mainland China Lau Gar, specifically the Lau Gar of Zhongshan Xiao Yongding (Siu Wing Ding).

    They are my best effort translation of articles collected at this Chinese site: http://baike.baidu.com/view/498484.htm. I'm not a professional translator so it's not very polished. Terms and names are mainly Cantonese romanization though sometimes I use/add Mandarin pinyin.

    I have noticed that this first article I'm going to translate contains some elements of a previous one I have read, and there appears to be a very small section missing - not enough to affect the spirit of the translation though.
  2. CFT

    CFT Valued Member


    The Long History of Lau Gar Kuen (Liujiaquan)

    One of the Southern fist variations. The legend is that it was created by either: Lau Saang, Lau Yut Ngan (One-Eyed Lau, typo?) or Lau Ching Saan (Green Mountain). They are all from the Zhanjiang area, all named Lau (Liu), hence [the art is] named Lau Gar Kuen (Liujiaquan).

    The [Lau Gar] Kuen is short range, spirited and fierce. Stance is somewhat higher, stepping is nimble and contains many variations. The chest is sunken and breath (chi/qi) gathered. Skilled at expressing short-range force/ging, after the punch the elbow is slight bent. Lau Gar Kuen places spirit first, short bridge, narrow stance, the kung fu is hard and crisp, lively and quick, steps in four directions and fists hit in 8 directions. “Advance like a wind-chasing arrow, withdraw like a flash of thunder & lightning, steps must be nimble, hands move like smoke and cloud" – it uses hanging stance (diu ma), dragging stance (tor ma), sideways dodge and other skills. Hand techniques follow: "spider’s legs, prawn’s back", which refers to the fast bridge hands and the explosive power from the waist.

    Some of the forms include: Greater moving sky form, Lesser moving sky form, Ten-Fist form, Geese on the Horizon form, Eight Picture practice, Lau Family Five shape (Animal) Fist, Lau Family Sabre and Lau Family Staff.

    The well established Zhongshan Lau Gar Kuen (Liujiaquan) belongs to the Southern fist family. Outside of the five big famous Southern fist families: Hung, Lau, Choy, Lee, Mok (Hong, Liu, Cai, Li, Mok) there is also Choy Li Fut (Cai Li Fu), Hop Gar (Hero’s family), Long Ying (Dragon Style), Wing Chun Kuen, Bak Mei (White Eyebrow), Nam Zi (Southern Branch) fist (named after the founder Chan Nam Zi), Yu (Confucian) fist, Buddhist fist, Diu Gar (tricky family) fist, Chu family fist (Zhujiaquan), Ngok Gar fist (Yuejiaquan) and so on, called the "13 famous fists".

    Southern fist was first created by Choi Gau Yi (Cai Jiuyi) from Gou Yiu (Gaoyao, Guangdong). Although there are many variants, there is a common basic objective. There are more upper limb (i.e. upper body) techniques, the strength (ging) is outstanding. Body methods deals with rise, sink, swallow spit, structured lean to dodge and turn; stepping methods are stable and even, with rooting. Their speciality is a vigorous power, steady steps, fierce intent, a big breath manifests as an explosive force and sound, the sound production helping power transmission.

    Southern fist is deeply regarded by the general populace. Not only does it have a deep foundation in the city and countryside of Guangdong Province, it also enjoys high prestige and widespread influence in Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia.

    Lau Kuen is one of the famous Guangdong fists: Hung, Lau, Choy, Lee, Mok; second in the line up. The story is that Lau Kuen was created by Lau Sang during the reign of the Qing (Ching) emperor Qianlong (a period between late 1735 and early 1796). Later transmitted by Lau Saam Ngan (Three-Eyed Lau) and Lau Ching Saan (Liu Qingshan), both from the Zhanjiang area, and both with the Lau surname, thereby [the arts is] also known as Lau Gar Kuen.

    tbc ...
  3. Bassmonkey

    Bassmonkey Formerly Cobalt60

    Very informative! Wait till Mr Tartovski wets his whistle on this ;)

    Cheers CFT
  4. Cathain

    Cathain Lily Lau Gar

    So could one interpretation of this be that there may be two Lau Gar styles (Lau Saam Ngan's & Lau Ching Saan's)?
    Or is it the same style transmitted down by two different people?
  5. Mr. O

    Mr. O Valued Member

    is the 2nd half nearly done?

    and does this guy have a school?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  6. CFT

    CFT Valued Member

    Sorry, might take a while. I'll see how it goes this weekend.

    There's no school address but he does have students according to the article. I'll bet the Chin Woo organisation would know. When you're over in Foshan have a word with your hosts. When are you going over again?

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