
Discussion in 'Kuk Sool' started by KSW CANADA, Jul 19, 2008.


    KSW CANADA Valued Member

    any one have any tattoos, ksw or ma related
    lets see pictures. i am getting a half sleave tattoo on my left arm,
    as a promotion gift to myself. i am getting it done monay the 21st of july.

    i will send pics as soon as its finnished.
    it will be of a dragon and pheonix, the dragon will be reaching out toward the wksa logo:)
  2. coc716

    coc716 Just Some Guy

    I have a tattoo, but not MA nor KSW related.

    I think KJN Jack Harvey has a KS-related tattoo on his back. I know there was a picture around somewhere.....
  3. Fu_Ling_Yoo

    Fu_Ling_Yoo Valued Member

    Ive always thought tattoos tacky, especially on MAists and whatever happened to treat your body like a temple. But to each their own.
  4. KSW_123

    KSW_123 Valued Member

    I know a third degree who got the logo tattood on his back. He is not practicing Kuk Sool any more. I wonder if he still likes his tattoo.
  5. davefly76

    davefly76 Valued Member

    do they not have any artwork in temples then? ;)
  6. Fu_Ling_Yoo

    Fu_Ling_Yoo Valued Member

    :eek::eek::eek:LOL too funny.

    You got me
  7. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    here's mine, 8 hours of pain so far, probs 8 more to go:cry:

    Attached Files:

  8. JSun

    JSun Valued Member

    Looks good, Matt. I like the layout.
  9. Bahng Uh Ki

    Bahng Uh Ki Valued Member

    Nice. Would you say that learning to endure the pain helps you with your Kuk Sool training? :)
  10. hwarang cl

    hwarang cl The Evil Twin

    that is pretty cool, I like that you went with the asian style dragon and not the european variety. where id you find the pic for the artist to trace or did the artist do it freehand.
  11. coc716

    coc716 Just Some Guy

    Very nice. I'd love to see a larger, higher resolution picture (i.e. want to see all the detail!) whenever it's done!

    I too am curious if it was traced or is freehand. Tho of course, if traced the original artwork could have been freehand. Just curious about the background. Regardless, it's quite nice.
  12. psbn matt

    psbn matt great sage = of heaven

    the tattoo design is on the back of the main character from a korean film called "my wife is a gangster"

    i found about 4 stills of the tattoo from the web, gave them to the tattoo artist (which i spent a lot of time finding) and he redid it to fit my back. i'm gonna get the claws and the rest of the tail filled in with black, the original was all black but i think i'm gonna get the scales done a bit differantly and maybe get the korean charactors for dragon (yong) somewhere too.

    if you wanna check out the tattoo in it's stages go here to my facebook page

    oh, and it's my 1st tattoo as well :D
  13. slix

    slix Valued Member

    Yah I have to go along with the art in temples comment. I think that this idea that our bodies are immutable feeds into our ego. I like the idea of mindful decor. Especially since I never liked my pale skin tone anyways =p

    I'm starting my JP full sleeve this fall with Timothy Hoyer - currently visiting Brooklyn Adorned -

    One of the best and another artist gushed over his skills and personability.
    Here's the woodblock I'm using as a guide for what I'm doing on my forearm.[​IMG]

    this witch type girl tried to avenge her father's death by distracting a samurai with magic that made 100 skeletons fight around him. he had to see through their 'reality'
    I really like it's message.

    I'm also getting Kwan Seum Bosal (the Korean Kwan Yin, Kwannon, Avalokiteshvara) which although not MA related the painting I'm using is on the wall in the Buddhist MA temple I live in now.
  14. WalkingThePath


    Just thought I'd add my .02 - Not a KSW tattoo, but I kinda like it!!:p

    Attached Files:

    • Tat.JPG
      File size:
      40.7 KB
  15. ember

    ember Valued Member

    Well, I don't have any tat's, but my sister does. You could probably call the Kanji below her neck MA-related, she was trying to say something about timeliness.
  16. unknown-KJN

    unknown-KJN Banned Banned

    Hey Matt, here's something to help with your tat.

    The first two are different HanJa fonts & the last two are different HanGeul fonts for the word "dragon."

  17. davefly76

    davefly76 Valued Member

    cool! thanks KJN. i've been looking for a decent sized image of the hangul font for ages.

    sorry matt, not trying to rain on your parade, 1976 was the year of the dragon :hat:
  18. unknown-KJN

    unknown-KJN Banned Banned

    After I stuck up the pic of the word "dragon" for you, I got to thinking that there are 2 main types - sky dragons and sea dragons. Since you picked a picture of a sky dragon (AKA heavenly dragon) I thought you might like to have THAT extra defining character to add to your tattoo. So here it is in the same differing fonts as before: (pronounced CHUHN YOHNG in Korean -- in standardized romanization = cheon yong)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  19. hwarang cl

    hwarang cl The Evil Twin

    How can you tell the difference, Ive only seen the heavenly type in the various pictures/artwork that I have "access" to.
  20. ember

    ember Valued Member

    If it's not too much trouble, would you mind posting two others? Ox and pig?

    I'm cross-stitching a baby blanket for my son, and I'm going to design the middle panel myself. I want it to be personal, but I don't want the personal elements to be obvious to all who see it.

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