Things like this.

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Devil Hanzo, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. Devil Hanzo

    Devil Hanzo Doesn't tap to heel-hooks

    It's things like this that give our art a bad name.


    No defenses needed, no speaking on their behalf, no talking about how "I don't understand the feeling". That right there is pure crap! And this is YONDAN! Come on people work on defending against someone rushing you and punching you all over your ribs and face and stomach, not one slow, locked-elbow, telegraphed punch to the face so you can move out of the way and slap him a few times so he "falls over". Those uke looked like they were constantly teetering off balance! I'm sorry but no "attacker" is going to slowly step through and aim a punch right at your face then stand there while you move around, and I'd like to think at 4th dan you can handle much more than that.

    What does this prove? Monkey see, monkey do? I've seen dojos where they full contact attack you with full intent to harm for shodan!

    ::deep breaths::

    It just pains me when people say, " -this- what you do?"

    Oh no offense intended to the parties involved in this video. It's not your fault.
  2. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Some of my favourite moments.

    2:13 Hahahahahah, love his avoidance of that sword cut. Too funny. Its NO big deal to step to the side of a straight cut, yet they're impressed by this? :rolleyes:

    3:45 Defence to knife :D
  3. Zannen!

    Zannen! Banned Banned

    I haven't looked at the video, and frankly don't care, too. But, some people teach differently, nothing we can do about it. I assume only that the teacher involved was a student of a Shihan that takes a safe approach. At the same time I have seen full intent to harm, turn into someone hurting themselves or others seriously. Each teacher approaches things differently good or bad. Just train with the people you want to train with that fit your personality and needs. (But it is good to do some randori from time to time with more realism.)

    I never understood why people but videos of there training on the web for all to see when they could train more, and not look like an idiot. Not saying this guy is I haven't seen the video. It always seems to be 1-4 dans doing this sort of thing.

    Everyone take a lesson from the Shihan- don't make video's and put them on the web for all to see. And certainly not, if you suck.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2007
  4. bujingodai

    bujingodai Retired Supporter

    Not a fan of the muto dori or the knife work, however the multiple attackers showed flow. No doubts he'd be nervous and slowed it down a bit.
    I've seen alot worse.
  5. Nick Mandilas

    Nick Mandilas Resistance is an option..

    0.40 when the guy in the red shorts takes that casual floppy swing at his head and it just goes right through...

    at 1:00 the green belt that has to wait until the other guy is ready before attacking, and even then with a basic kata like stomp kick that is so slow the other guy could have read about it coming in the morning's paper...for 4th dan?

    I would have rather seen him just be attacked by random resistant partners of a high rank/skill one by one that actually fought back and not these ong bak one strike takedowns....

    on a side note what sword stance was that...I thought daijodan had the sword held overhead so that the opponent can only see the butt of the end to conceal the length? Can the higher ranks here correct me if I'm mistaken...
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2007
  6. flashlock

    flashlock Banned Banned

    1. All the teachers and the testee had big beer bellies--how can they get any belt if they are so out of shape? He wouldn't last 45 seconds in a real fight.

    2. Multiple attacks, completely worthless. He would have gotten killed if they even went 60% resistance.

    3. Green belt attacker--slow and telegraphing, grandmother could avoid it.

    4. Dodging sword--idiotic. Who can't do that?

    5. 3:45, his throat would have been slit. (Correct defense is to turn in toward opponent and make him stab himself).

    4th degree? COME ON!
  7. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Woo! I agree with you flashlock, if anyone was to mug me I'd hope it was that guy. I'd just leg it out of there, doubt he could carry that gut around :D
  8. garth

    garth Valued Member

    Why oh why do people put this stuff on the net?

    When I started watching this I thought OK this guys training fo fourth dan and as we have been told by others "Rank is not an indication of skill" and this kind of proves it.

    Although if rank is not an indicator of skill why have a rank test in the first place?

    But at least the instructor has a rank test which i think is good. Although the test was kind of strange but I guess at that level its more about flow than demonstrating kata, although that would have been good. And of course we do not know how much of other things he had to do for the grading. Maybe this was just the last part of the test. And of course the guy was nervous especilally with the camera there.

    And to be honest its not the worst I have seen, but I was not impressed.

    What i found to be the most annoying was that there was no decorum in the class. Now there is a difference between shouting your tean member on, but this guy, whoever he is just sat there cackling in the corner. It reminded me of a group of kids But the most stunning thing for me was when the instructor walked in and took up the sword.

    "Wait a minute isn't that..."?

    And the quality of what he then did was terrible.

    Now I know people are going to say things to defend this, but really it does not need defending as its undefendable. It sends a very clear message out into the world, and that really sad.

    And I feel really sorry for the guy taking the test.

  9. kouryuu

    kouryuu Kouryuu

    Garth, did you get my email?, i sent it to your home address at the beginning of the week.
  10. flashlock

    flashlock Banned Banned

    It actually detaches from his stomach, and he rolls it toward you as you run away, then it will imprison you like an ant in a raindrop.

    They test for that for 3rd degree.
  11. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    kouryuu - if that's not the worst you've seen I really despair.

    flashy - :D Does this guy live in Sydney, maybe I can spar with him?
  12. kouryuu

    kouryuu Kouryuu

    Thanks Lily, what are you on about?, i made no comment although i agree with you wholeheartedly and i also agree with Garth, why the hell put something like that on the web for all to see, the guy's an idiot!
  13. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Yep, its a pity there is lots of crap like this in the art, we must try to be like every other art where there are no crap practicioners!! ;)
  14. shadow_ronin

    shadow_ronin Banned Banned

    I agree, why put this on the net in the first place.

    Although i have to say it wasn't that bad. Maybe he was a bit nervous because they were filming it or because he was demonstrating for a class.
    The sword evasion was pretty good i thought. (Although i would have liked to see some different cutting angles to see if he knew how to deal with them)

    The knife disarming was a bit silly.

    In conclusion if they put a little more commitment into the attacks and the counters it would have looked a lot better however on that note taijutsu never looks that great on film.

    I thought we didn't do gradings (like this) :confused:
  15. flashlock

    flashlock Banned Banned

    Crap practioners at 4th degree? I can show you arts with no crap practioners above 1st degree blackbelt. Easy.
  16. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    thats great, i'm sure you can, its a shame our own art has people like this in it.
  17. flashlock

    flashlock Banned Banned

    It takes a big man to admit that.

  18. Zannen!

    Zannen! Banned Banned

    It is the way are ranking system is set up, no real standards and no real need for them.
    There are good and bad people in the world, good and bad instructors, and good and bad lovers.

    The Bujinkan is too big and loose on its ranking, however this is neither good or bad in my opinion.
  19. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Agreed here, i think some people grade too fast, once maybe twice a year for Kyu grades and about once a year for Dan if they have the ability.
  20. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

    It is bad.

    That is my not so humble opinion.


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