Anger issues

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by CosmicFish, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    About a month ago I noticed I was starting to anger more easily than before. Personally, this bothers me as I've always been a fairly laid back kinda guy. Reading back through my training journal, I noticed that I started experimenting with creatine at about the same time as all this started. I'm pretty sure I've read elsewhere that other people have had similar problems too, probably due to it's anabolic effect.

    Last night, for example, I had difficulty controlling myself when some kid pushed in front of me in the bus queue. Fortunately I was able to bite my tongue and didn't do or say anything, but I was worried by the strength of my anger nonetheless. Obviously, this is something I need to address before it gets out of hand.

    Other than giving up creatine, does anybody have any advice on how I might deal with this? Let me know if you've had similar problems with creatine and anger, and how you've overcome them.
  2. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    You thought about stopping the creatine short term to see if it helps? It might be worth a go.
  3. timex

    timex Valued Member

    you can stop the creatine and see if that helps - I was taking creatine years ago and it never affected me in this way. I haven't taken any in years now.

    Several months ago I was experiencing the same thing as you are going through, I sympathize with you. I kept a check on it and it has subsided - and hopefully it is gone for good , but it is unnerving when you notice it in yourself - particularly when it is so completely out of character.

    try and get enough sleep every night - just my 2 cents!

    Keep the faith - good luck -

    please let us know how this goes for you!!!
  4. Boxerboy

    Boxerboy Valued Member

    that time of the month maybe?

    fwiw you are doing pretty well, i wouldn't let some stranger get cutsies on me in any line. not even a child. in fact ESPECIALLY a child cos theres a fight im 90% sure i would win
  5. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    I've got the same problem. Except i'm way younger and don't use creatine.

    I've tried neurocalm.. But it does absolutely nothing at all for me.

    I get so angry that I can't speak.. And feel like smacking people down, Especially those ones in town that walk right behind you, or won't get out of your way :mad:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2007
  6. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Go out and get laid.
  7. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    I don't need your virgin tips..
  8. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Best way I know that will cure what ails ya! Touche' NK! After a bit of a go I sure don't feel like fighting :D
  9. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    It's definately the creatine, I've had the same thing since I started my first cycle.
  10. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Really? How do you deal with it, and how much are you taking?
  11. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    I just make sure I get plenty of soy in my PCT. I'm currently only on about 5-10g.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2007
  12. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    This article may help:

    Creatine Side Effects

    It appears that no good study has been done on the role Creatine supplemantion has on libido or aggression. Try cycling off for a month and see how you feel. If you still get P.O'd while off Creatine, I think you have to look at other causes.

    Personally, I feel little difference when on Creatine. I do tend to cycle in 3 month intervals and I drink almost 2 gallons of water a day so I don't stress my kidneys with the supplements I take.
  13. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    Another creatine side effect. :eek:

    It's like smoking, They knew nothing in the 1970s and it was ' cool ' to smoke. Nobody was aware of the dangers.

    I've heard everything from kidney stones to diabeties about creatine. Could history be repeating itself?
  14. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    I am not sure what you are talking about? As with ALL supplements, Creatine has some side effects but, like Whey, it has withstood the test of time. Anyone thinking about using supplements should understand what the supplement does, what it's side effects are, how to use it, and DRINK! Hydration is one thing people just plain don't think about when adding supplements to their diet.

    What effect Creatine has on aggression has yet to be tested so we can't say. But testing has been done on hormone levels so that can be ruled out.
  15. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Your a virgin? No wonder your soo ****ed off. Go get your end wet. Sharpish
  16. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    I'm eating my evening snack here.. Stop grossing me out.
  17. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Surely getting laid would make the problem worse by increasing test levels?
  18. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Not if you cuddle for long enough afterwards.
  19. Taiji Butterfly

    Taiji Butterfly Banned Banned

    Become a Buddhist :)
  20. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    take it out on a heavy bag.

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