Monsters vs Ghosts

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Chimpcheng, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Okay ladies and gents, this one has been disturbing me for quite some time, but which would you prefer to face down a monster or a ghost?

    Personally, me and ghosts just don’t get on, they scare the poop out of me, “why?” you may ask, it’s because they are spooky!!!

    I mean, it doesn’t matter how monstrous, erm, monsters are, they are still made of flesh and bone which means they can be hurt, you can punch and kick them and generally try to fight your way out in a bid for freedom.

    No such luck with ghosts. Your years of MA training will come to naught next to a spirit, kicks and punches will sail right through them, yet ghosts can hurt you!!! Don’t get me started on trying to knife ghosts, it just doesn’t work… :cry:

  2. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    My escrima sticks are +2 vs. Undead, so I'm ok either way.
  3. Mei Hua

    Mei Hua Banned Banned

    Bro, you need to study Ghost style, it was created by Kung Fu masters of old for just that reason, it is deadly to the Ghost people as they have no defense against it.
  4. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    I'm not sure like, I've seen Sammo Hung's "Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind" and people were still beaten by ghosts. Crazy man, crazy. Like I say, with monsters you can stab, chop, kick, punch and generally nunchuck into submission, not so easy with ghosts... :eek:
  5. bcullen

    bcullen They are all perfect.

    If the movies have taught me anything it's that ghosts are harmless --unless they are the ghosts of young Japanese girls. Which apparently happens to be the preferred manifestation of evil incarnate. :eek:
  6. Mei Hua

    Mei Hua Banned Banned

  7. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Awwwww poor Monkey scared of ghosts!!! :eek:

    Working in a 16th century building just next door to a bronze age burial ground,I'm used to the idea of them.

    But......what if some zombies or monsters appear from the burial ground.What then????? :eek:
  8. JHughes

    JHughes New Member

    I would rather fight a monster for two reasons

    1) ghosts sposedly only apear in the dark and I like too see what I'm fighting.

    2)theirs always a way around monsters on to beating them.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2007
  9. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Ghosts would be tricky to fight ,yes,you just wouldnt be able to punch them and your weapons would essentially be useless,unless of course you have Ghostbuster style weapons!Then there's the mess of the ectoplasm and all that.
    They can disappear to and re-appear behind you and stuff!
    At least with monsters you have something "solid" to aim at.

    Hmmm glad we have that cross bow in the collection,but think I am definitely more at risk from ghosts than I am monsters. :eek:
  10. tom pain

    tom pain I want Chewbacc for good

    Monsters are well hard, so I'll prefer to take on a ghost. Except Casper. He's a friendly ghost. The friendliest ghost you'll know..
  11. Cait

    Cait da Bionic is BACK!

    yes, it's the true secret use for chi strikes :D
  12. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    Are we counting zombies as monsters? If we are, I'll fight them. I've just finished reading "The Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" by Max Brooks and furnished with this knowledge, I'm sure I can take them :cool:
  13. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    psssssssssst monkey boy,

  14. Cait

    Cait da Bionic is BACK!

    just chi blast that silly ghots ;)

    i guess it would depend on the kind of monster or ghost... which one would be easier to take out? :D
  15. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    See, the average ghost doesn't go "Boo", it's when they stack chairs up or move things or suddenly appear in the mirror when you've opened and closed it in the bathroom.

    Shiver me timbers!!! I just thought, what about monster ghosts??? :cry:
  16. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    or they tap you on the shoulder and when you turn around, the lights go off :eek:
  17. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    They change the channel on the tv too! Something just changed my tv channel!!! :eek:

    Do monsters come back as ghosts though Chimp? :confused:
  18. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Gah stupid ghosts and their ghostly ways. See how can you fight that? At least with monsters you might have a chance, no matter how slim.
  19. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    su that was the chimp/monster/ghost :eek:

    be afraid of the monkey
  20. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    Monsters can turn lights off too though? :confused:

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