Bonnar Tests Positive

Discussion in 'Fight Discussions' started by Sever, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    According to MMAWeekly, Stefan Bonnar has tested positive for a banned anabolic substance after his fight with Forrest Griffin at UFC62

  2. Apotheosis

    Apotheosis Valued Member

    Stick a fork in him, he's done.

    I doubt we will see him again on any main event, not only did he apparently cheat but he isn't even very good either.
  3. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    It could go either way where the UFC's concerned. Josh Barnett tested positive, was stripped of the heavyweight title and was never seen in the Octagon again, whereas Sylvia tested positive, was stripped of the belt, given a title shot but pulled from it after ****ing dirty again (though a retest came up clean - read into that what you will) and given another title shot. Marquardt failed after his first UFC fight though the NSAC believed him when he said that he didn't know the substance he'd been using was banned. Numerous other undisclosed fighters have failed tests over the years, some have been kicked out, some have served their suspensions and come back. Bonnar will probably be back since rightly or wrongly, people will watch him fight. Whether his contract gets renewed when it's up, however, is another matter
  4. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Jeez, use a steroid and get your butt handed to you, thats rough.....
  5. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    In an update to this: Bonnar's been fined $5000 and suspended retroactively for nine months so he will be able to fight again next May. He admitted to knowingly using the banned substance in his hearing before the NSAC

  6. mrsumo

    mrsumo Invictus Maneo

    Bummer for him, but it probably wont be the end of his career. Even the current heavyweight champ was caught on the juice, and he made a comeback.
    The worst part of the whole deal is he spent all that money on steroids and they didn't even help him win.
  7. Pitfighter

    Pitfighter Valued Member

    I'm really sad to hear that. I always respected Bonnar's skills. I really think he didn't need them but by having them he prolly used them as a crutch and didnt't train as hard prolly why he didn't beat Griffin. Man I hope he shapes up cuz he had a lotta talent and coulda gone much farther.
  8. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Seems more and more these days guys are getting caught on the juice.
    I've seen this discussion on many others about other fighters banned for illegal substances on different forums.

    Makes you wonder if MMA won't some day become like bodybuilding... with clean events - and the err.... not so clean events.

    I was kind of surpised to see the responses here that thought it harsh that Bonner got banned/busted for using an illegl substance. Err... does that mean that they think it's actually OK and perfectly acceptable to do so? :confused:
  9. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    No idea, I'd hope they don't think that. Vitor Belfort and Pawel Nastula have also failed their tests after Pride's US event - either the testing's getting better or people are getting too lazy to try and cover their tracks
    Bonnar was fighting in the co-main event. He knew he'd be tested (under NSAC rules all main-event fighters and title competitors are tested) and he knew what he was taking was banned, his getting caught is down to no one but him and the consequences are well deserved. You break the rules, you take the punishment. The UFC will probably have him back, but according to the article, he's been released from his Spike TV job
    When it comes to matters like this, particularly from the UFC's perspective, I'd be hoping to see some consistancy to how it's dealt with. There are fighters that have failed their tests and never been seen in the UFC again because of it, and there are fighters that have served their suspensions and been fighting for the title as soon as they come back. Since juicing's becoming more of a public issue with more and more people getting caught (it'd be naive to think more people aren't using and have gotten away with it thus far), I think the way the UFC deal with it needs to be addressed
  10. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    It sure would be nice if they made a very clear and visible effort to let the world know that it's not acceptable in fight sports. Maybe ok in baseball, maybe ok in bodybuilding maybe ok in cycling, maybe ok in whatever... but not in combat sports.

    However... anytime the money and the promotions start to creep up to mega-dollar levels... I think the steroid issue is going to rear it's ugly head unfortunately. I don't think there really is a common perception that it's wrong. I don't think most people think of it as cheating. Certainly not the same way that say sticking a thumb in someones eye would be. I don't think mentally any of them make that connection in their heads.

    I could be wrong (if someone with experience knows please post) - but you still have to work very hard once on the juice to see gains in strength and size. It's just that the gains are disproportionately large. It's not as if they just jack up and then become animals.

    It does make you wonder if masking is getting better or testing is getting better. I'd suspect a bit of both.
  11. spirez

    spirez Valued Member

    I personally would be too ashamed of getting back in the ring.

    Steroids are for tossers if they're used on the sly to try and enhacne performance. And like someone else said, to use them and lose is just plain rediculous! Obviously not worth it...

    If someone wants to do it for personal reasons, then whatever. I kinow a few people who do it so that they look big and that's up to them.

    But for competitors, they're just scum imo...

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