Aikiweb Down?

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by CNYMike, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    I've tried to get into Aikiweb for several days now, but the page does not come up at all, and yes, I did try a different computer. Does anyone know what the story is? Thanks.
  2. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    Don't know. I haven't been able to get into Aikiweb for well over a year. All I get is the FORBIDDEN error screen. Don't think I did anything naughty. Tried sending an e-mail but didn't get a reply.
  3. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Jun Akiyama is currently on Aikido summer camp with the Boulder Aikikai.
  4. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    So he took the site down before he went to the camp? Or did it just crash while he was away?

    I'm concerned because I don't know if it's the site or a glitch on my computer. I talked to a support guy at my ISP and he talked me into installking Windows XP Service Pack 2, and Aikiweb still doesn't come up; I get the "cannot find server" screen. If Jun turned the server off because he'd be too busy to moderate it, ok. But if it's ok, then there's still a problem at my end. I just want to find out which is which.
  5. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    Well, I got into until last week, and now I get the "cannot find server" message.

    To put it in persepctive, lately I got tired of the problem that cropped up around 10 PM when for some reason, my computer downloaded web pages but not images. All the smilies and buttons would not appear! I tried one of his remedies and it seemed to work ... but the next day, Aikiweb disappeared -- "cannot find server." I installked service pack 2, and it still isn't there.

    So what I am trying to figure out is where the problem is -- if there is a problem at my end or Jun's. If he turned it off before he went to summer camp, then I missed that announcement. My bad -- I usually go right for the forums. :eek: But if Aikiweb is up and running, then there is still a glitch in my computer. I am trying to work out which is which. Hope that helps.
  6. armanox

    armanox Kick this Ginger...

    Problem is not on your end. I tried getting in too, using IE 7 & Firefox for Windows XP SP2, Konqueror and Firefox for Linux, and Netscape 4 and IE 5 for Mac. I assure you it has nothing to do with your OS.
  7. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    ^^ Thanks. That's one load off my mind. Of course, the next question is whether Aikiweb has crashed. If it has, Jun is going to have an unpleasant surprise when he gets home from the camp.

    Hopefully it will all work out, but as always, I look on the gloomy side. :)
  8. Bridge

    Bridge Valued Member

    Oh thank heavens! I have tried virtually everything I can think of on my machine and twiddled the security settings umpteen times.

    I should really get on with useful stuff rather than Aikiweb. You know you're an Aikiweb addict when... :eek:
  9. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    Who do you think started that thread? :eek: I'm living proof I was right!
  10. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    Aikiweb is back up!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2006
  11. Bridge

    Bridge Valued Member

    It's not back down again is it?
  12. armanox

    armanox Kick this Ginger...

    Seems so. I tried to get in 3 mins ago and failed
  13. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    Ditto. :(
  14. CNYMike

    CNYMike Valued Member

    As of the date and time on this message, Aikiweb was back up!

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