Need New Nunchaku

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by hunter1773, Apr 27, 2006.

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  1. hunter1773

    hunter1773 New Member

    Aight. I know this seems like a noob post and all, but really, I am a noob. I have no instructor or anything. I took some basic Tang Su Do for a year, but I stopped because it was too soft core. Now I just run around in a forest trying to move as silently as possible and whack trees with my nunchaku. Until they broke anyways. I had some cheap novelty ones that I bought when I visited China, but they worked well enough. They were rock hard, so I'm pretty proficient with them. But since they're broken, I need new ones. I've been checking out some stuff on google, reading the forums on this site, but there aren't any MA stores I can get to around where I live. (montgomery county, MD). I was wondering if anyone can put me in the right direction with a recommendation or something.

    These are the ones i've been considering. I want one that I can use against bad guys or w/e. Aluminum seems like a good idea, but I don't really know.

    Hardwood Studded Chucks

    Metal Chucks by some manufacturer called "valor"

    I wasn't really considering these Go Shikita Nunchaku because they're so freaking expensive, but I was just wondering whether they're expensive because of quality or just brand.

    These are the most tempting, an aluminum and wood mix. Expensive though.

    If you can help me out w/ this, I'd appreciate it a lot.
  2. Alienfish360

    Alienfish360 Valued Member

    Gonna put this in a nice way.

    But I wouldn't condone carrying an offensive weapon if you're in the UK or if your laws do not allow it.

    And wouldn't suggest you used them to attack a person with. I also suggest you get proper instruction.

    But then again, I don't use any weapons, just seems like common sense.
  3. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    I'm going to get in before the rest of the guys who will say exactly the same.

    If you want to use a weapon, get a proper - qualified - instructor in a weapons art. They can tell you what kind of nunchaku to get.

    Look forward to yet another news story about somebody being locked up for attacking someone with a "kung fu" weapon (I've already seen one story like that this week) :rolleyes:

    :bang: :bang: :woo: :woo: :bang: :bang:
  4. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    Anth.. mate :)

    Close this thread before I have another numchucks sense of humour failure.

  5. Face Block

    Face Block New Member

    I hope your not serious.

    Get an instructor so you dont hurt yourself. I use nunchaku but I dont have the luxury of an instructor in my county as far as I am aware and i've hurt myself on countless occasions. Anyway if you intend to hit stuff with the nunchucks then dont get ball bearing chucks get corded ones, they are slower but you can replace the cord over and over.
  6. Anth

    Anth Daft. Supporter

    Aye man.

    Hunter - run a search of MAP on nunchaku without an instructor. They will all say the same.

    When you have had some proper instruction and you can tell us your rank in whichever art and possibly under which instructor and where, you will be given way better advice and people might actually want to help you.

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