Attention Houston (and area) MAPpers

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Brad Ellin, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    Spacepimp and I are organizing and "Unofficial", informal, social gathering for any and all Houston area MAPpers. If you live close enough to drive out for the day, this means you!
    We are looking to have it at a teahouse in the Bellaire area (Chinatown). Scheduled date is March 4th (yes, 2006). We'll meet, have tea, talk. And, see if we can generate enough interst to hold an official MAP Meet, complete with training and seminars.
    Intersted? PM me or spacepimp for more details and watch this thread!!
  2. Anvilfire

    Anvilfire Valued Member

    I'm there :cool:
  3. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    Okay, that makes 3. Come on, I know we have more MAPpers in the area!!
  4. texas doc

    texas doc Valued Member

    4 - will be there too.
  5. TheDarkJester

    TheDarkJester 90% Sarcasm, 10% Mostly Good Advice.

    Dallas Fort Worth here, but if the time of meetup is later in the day so I don't miss class... then I may just try to make an appearance.
  6. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    Any more takers? Time is getting short and I'd like to see more Houston/Texas MAPers there.
  7. Wolf

    Wolf Totalitarian Dictator

    Maybe drop a line in KSW forum. There's a bunch of houstonians there they may not check this thread. Just a thought.
  8. Yama Tombo

    Yama Tombo Valued Member

    Count me in on a maybe.
  9. Wayward_Son

    Wayward_Son New Member

    Beaumont here. Our Shotokan dojo always goes to train with the Houston karateka organized by sensei Deddy on the first saturday of the month, so I'll be in town with a bunch of martial artists on that day. I think I'm the only MAPper, though.

    What time are you planning to meet?
  10. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member


    I have found three locations
    Two in actual Chinatown one off Westheimer

    Tapioca House:
    It is fairly traditional in style. It gets crowded on weekends but I was told we could reserve the big table that would seat 6-8 people.
    9104 Bellaire Blvd
    Houston, TX 77036

    Star Snow Ice:
    It has more selection, but it gets busy on the weekends and we cannot reserve a table. Seems to attract a slightly younger crowd.
    9188-O Bellaire Blvd.
    Houston, TX 77036

    Duno Baby QQ Cup:
    Probably has the best selection, included a sandwich type of entree (crepe) for $5.00. It is not in Chinatown, not too much traffic yet, and they have an upstairs area we could use. All in all kind of small though.

    I do not have their address I will post it later
    It is located at the corner of Westheimer and Wilcrest next to Whole Foods Market.

    My preference is for the Duno Baby, but I was hoping to get some other input.
  11. yodaofcoolness

    yodaofcoolness New Member

    Im a maybe too.
  12. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    Duno Baby works for me. Don't like crowds and the wife doesn't want to join us, so I don't need it in Chinatown.

    Anyone else have a choice? Let's have some input by this Friday, for I am off to Angola and want Spce to be able to make reservations and know how many and which place we want to go to.
  13. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member

    Duno Baby

    Apparently we are going to Duno Baby.
  14. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    We're still on for meeting on the 4th, which is next Saturday. Anyone else interested? Now, we need to decide on a time. Lunch? Noonish, later? Any input by Monday please or I'll pick a time.
  15. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    Just to reiterate, it's Duno Baby QQ CUp. Spacepimp says the QQ stands out when looking for it.
  16. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba


    Duno Baby QQ Cup, this Saturday at noon. Corner of Westheimer and Wilcrest, next to Whole Foods Market.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

    I'll be the dashingly good looking bald guy.
  17. texas doc

    texas doc Valued Member

    Yeah, and I'll be the amazingly hot redheaded chick.

    Oh, by the way, it's probably unnecessary given the above information - but a "MAP MEETING" sign on the table may be helpful...

    See y'all on Saturday!
  18. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member

    No Worries

    Trust me if you miss us you will be in the wrong store, it is not big enough to miss anyone.

    Pleasantly plump individual.
  19. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Oh, well this sucks, but I'm going to have to miss this if it goes down at noon. I'll be just finishing up with a client, and then I'll have to head on over to Capoeira class. It's kinda important that I be there, as I'll be teaching.

    Please post in this thread if there have been any decisions for future meetups.

    On the very off chance that you guys will be loitering until four or so (yeah, right), just let me know by pm or otherwise and I will make it.

    Other than that, enjoy!

    ate mais,

  20. Brad Ellin

    Brad Ellin Baba

    As to the first, I sure hope so. It is my hope to use these as a stepping stone to an Official Texas MAP meet.

    As to the second, never know. If the wife doesn't start bugging (calling) me, I may hang around til then.

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