Should we execute dogs who bite people?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by slipthejab, Aug 17, 2005.


Should we execute dogs who bite?

  1. NO execution... dogs are mans best friend

    17 vote(s)
  2. execute 'em... dogs are cold blooded killers

    3 vote(s)
  3. execute Mario Bro for such a lame idea about dogs

    16 vote(s)
  4. exterminate the species all together

    4 vote(s)
  5. force all dogs to wear dentures made of sponge

    5 vote(s)
  1. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Ok here is an issue that got started in the now very long 'Rapist's Deserving of Mercy?' thread...

    Since that thread has a tendency to careen off track at the slightest (go figure) I thought that starting a new thread would be best.

    Mario Bro has stated:

    Which doesn't neccessarily make much sense. Dog's do not generally develop 'a taste for blood'... below is my response:

    In an attempt to show the rest of us just how d3adly dogs are MarioBro then posted this:

    So basically what MarioBro is saying... any dog that bites should be executed.
    I don't think this is too bright... but Mario Bro doesn't seem to be hearing any of it.

    Please let us know what you think:

    1) Are dogs the cold blooded killers that are a threat to families and children that Mario Bro makes them out to be?

    2) Should we be executing dogs if they bite? What about 2 bites?

    3) If they bite their own flea's does that count towards execution?

    4) If dogs are the loose cannon's the MarioBro is making them out to be... should we just exterminate the species?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2005
  2. RFWright

    RFWright New Member

    Depends on the individual situation, and if it has happened before.
  3. Bil Gee

    Bil Gee Thug

    Dogs are evil smelly messengers of satan, and should be forced to wear foam dentures.

    btw any chance of a martial arts topic some time soon?
  4. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    My dog went for a psych exam to see if it was a psycho but it obviously wasn't and all that happened was the vets time was wasted. Why? Because another dog attacked mine and when mine fights back and nearly kills the attacker the lady complains that my dog is a vicious animal when she can't control her dog lol.

    Had my dog been put down I can be sure my best mate (who thinks my dogs really cool) would have gone out and shot the ladies dog or painted it pink.

    There is a time and a place for dogs being put down an thats when they are constantly brutal and constantly violent, no other time.
  5. TheMadhoose

    TheMadhoose Carpe Jugulum

    judge the deed not the breed as they say
    if the dog was provoked then execute the person who annoyed the animal
    if it was unprovoked then put the dog to sleep cant have dogs takin over the world it would end up liek a disney cartoon
  6. PlumDragon

    PlumDragon "I am your evil stimulus"

    We execute dogs everyday that *dont* bite people...
  7. akitaka

    akitaka Valued Member

    Caretakers are generally the reason for a dog biting in the first place. My sister's dog has not been taught NOT to bite nor has he has the urge to kill another pooch; he just had a good home and the aggression was always intent to warn, never kill.
    Fearful dogs kill. What causes fear in dogs more than anything else? People. However if its a breed made to destroy things then it's rather hard to reason; kind of like trying to teach a hardend criminal not to break the law. In such cases the best you can really do it put them out of their miseries, but it's still not a viable solution.

    Whenever possible, disallow assholes not to have pets. This means you, Petsmart.
  8. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    Okay... you asked for it! :D

    For some reason most dogs do not like me (and I don't like them). I've been bitten many times and nearly attacked several times. I understand the whole territorial issues and the dominance thing and believe "dogs just don't like me."

    If you get attacked/bitten on someone else's land... that's your fault for being there and they should have control of them. Of course if there is a big "No Trespassing and Beware of Dog sign" posted... that's your fault, not the dog's.

    If you get attacked on a road (esp. on a motocycle/bike), on a sidewalk, or on your own land... that's the dog/owner's fault and if the dog gets shot, too bad.

    In my experience, dogs that bite little kids, neighbors, etc will likely bite again. In the newspaper over the past two years we have had several cases of neighbor (and own) kids being bitten by dogs (esp. rotweilers and pit bulls) and then the same dog doing it again and sometimes killing little kids.

    My opinion: they bite once, execute them (see above response for limits).

    Dogs are a great species (Man's best friend) and fulfill many great roles: guide dogs, bomb/drug sniffing, riot control, hunting, companionship and so on. I think a few dogs give a lot of them a bad name and dog executions should be on a case by case basis...especially if they bite me.
  9. microhard

    microhard Valued Member

    May be imprisoned, but not executed. What do you get out of a dead dog?
  10. Thomas

    Thomas Combat Hapkido/Taekwondo

    Po Shin Tang (excellent healthy Korean soup)
  11. Kinjiro Tsukasa

    Kinjiro Tsukasa I'm hungry; got troll? Supporter

    I don't like the idea of executing dogs (I think the official term is "euthanizing" :rolleyes: ), but a dog who can't be trusted not to bite people who are on their own (or public) property just minding their business, has no place in a "family" neighborhood. Such dogs should be taken away from the owners who can't control them, and either be retrained, or relocated somewhere else, perhaps as guard dogs for a business. Failing that, euthanasia may be the only option.

    People need to control their dogs better. Dogs should never be running loose in neighbors' yards, or on the street. If your dog is fearful or aggressive, it shouldn't even be running loose on your property if you're not there to supervise it and your property is accessible to others. Maybe the person who wanders onto your property without permission (and gets bitten) had no business being there, but that probably isn't going to make you feel any better about some kid getting mauled by your dog.
  12. karate princess

    karate princess Savvy??

    if the dog is an absolute savage, then it should be put down, but otherwise, i love dogs and they shouldn't have to be put down for things like nipping people :)
  13. Roual

    Roual Eternally curious...

    Not sure if this is accurate or not, but I remember reading somewhere that dogs (maybe other animals too) can be a threat to children if the dog suddenly feels like it's lost it's place in the family (i.e. a dog that was the center of attention for years now has the attention drawn from it by a new born baby). To me this seams to relate to a pack mentaility where place in the pack is determined by the biggest strongest animal.

    I seam to have a strange effect on dogs, a friend of mine has a resure dog that was badly beaten before being taken into care, it runs up, growls and barks at any visitors, except me. The last time it saw me, it backed off and sat on the floor shaking. This could be because I bear some resembalance to the person who abused the dog, I'll probably never know, but other dogs seams to back away from me as well.

    Anyone got any idea why?
  14. karate princess

    karate princess Savvy??

    my dog was beaten up when he was a puppy and lived in hong kong (at least we think), but strangley he doesn't like black men
  15. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Usually dog bites are the persons fault, not the dogs. I like dogs more than most people actually.

    They don't argue with you, they'll love you forever, they'll give you kisses whenever you want (and maybe if you don't), and you can leave the room for 2 minutes and when you come back they'll act like you've been gone a week. I like dogs...
  16. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    1. No, they are not cold-blooded killers.

    2. Well we could always have three strikes. Or only kill them if they kill someone else.

    3. NO.

    4. How about exterminating dumb owners?
  17. microhard

    microhard Valued Member

    If the owner got a dog, while it was a poppy that's one thing, but the dog became a pet as an adult, than owner can't do much.
  18. microhard

    microhard Valued Member

    Come on man, I just ate.
  19. jcurtis

    jcurtis Valued Member

    I recently had my dog euthanized, she was 8 years old and I got her as a puppy. She never bit me, or my parents or my wife or any of my friends. She nipped my nephew once when he was over about 2 years ago as he cornered her and she was scared. At the time we just dismissed it as her being scared and she would growl at younger kids if they cornered her but we always kept an eye on them.

    Recently while I was sleeping my wife gave our son who was 6 months old at the time a gram cracker or some such thing in the living room while she worked in the kitchen (the 2 rooms are completely open to each other and she would have been within 12 feet of him). We still dont know exactly what happened, whether the dog was trying to take the cracker or if the baby went after the dog but she bit his hand and one of her canines went about 3/8 of an inch into his arm and another went about 1/4 of an inch into his palm. She did not latch on or attack his face or anything like that but she did make some seriously bad holes in his hand/arm. I really didnt want to put her down as we had been together for 8 years, but my sons safety comes first.

    I tried to give the dog to a few people before having her euthanized but I could not in good concience give her to a family with children and no one really wanted her. I loved that dog but sometimes there is nothing you can do but give them a quick and peaceful end.
  20. karate princess

    karate princess Savvy??

    i love dogs too

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