Close quarter combat

Discussion in 'Other Styles' started by Split_level, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Split_level

    Split_level New Member


    I recently came across a school in my area offering close quarter combat system training, the instructor is Soke Gunter Bauer.

    Just wanted bit of info on good system, dojo, instructor etc

    Cheers guys

  2. gedhab

    gedhab Valued Member

    Wing Chun Kung-Fu works on close-quarter combat so you may want to Google a few Wing Chun schools in your area.
  3. Aegis

    Aegis River Guardian Admin Supporter

    What I've found in a few minutes doesn't look great... At least as far as holding legitimate credentials goes anyway!

    He's a member of a sokeship board, has a 10th Dan (though an advert for a seminar with him as an instructor lists him as an 8th dan last year, so presumably he was a shodan about 4-5 years ago at that rate ;) ), calls himself a professor, hanshi, etc and made up his own system.

    My personal advice would be to find someone with less inflated credentials in a well-established system and train with them.

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