Full Body Boxing Videos or Shootfighting Videos

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Archie, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Has anyone seen those Full Body Boxing videos by Dr. Christian Harfouche? They are advertised in the magazines and there have been several articles recently with Mr. Harfouche. My understanding is that he has a Kenpo and Jujitsu background from working with David German. I'm just wondering if they are well done. I'm looking for some videos that have good techniques for joint locks, etc. but that are actually pretty decent for home study (see www.victorioushands.com).

    Alternatively, I am wondering if anyone has seen the videos on Shootfighting and if they are good (see www.shootfighting.com).

    Obviously an instructor is the best way to go, but this is just something I am interested in exploring a little on my own so I thought I would see what you all think.

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