Pre-emptive Tai jutsu

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Lord Spooky, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    OK so I’ve re-done this thread because it didn’t make much sense, probably still doesn’t :D but here goes!!

    Does Taijutsu effect the non-verbal signals we give off, body language and such, do experienced practioners carry themselves differently? Do they appear more confident and is that due to confidence in their abilities or just because Taijutsu has become an internalised way of moving.

    So does Taijutsu become "pre-emptive" i.e. Joe Mugger sees you and thinks
    twice because on some level you are giving off signals to say back off???

    Opinions and comments folks?

    Pre-emptive may not be the best term to use but I hope I’ve got across what I’m trying to say?

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  2. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Yes!! :D
  3. Raven Wing

    Raven Wing Valued Member

    Thats a very reasuring answer, but would you care to elaborate on it please?
  4. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Nope!! :D

    Depends on the person!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  5. Raven Wing

    Raven Wing Valued Member

    So you like to leave people in antici....
  6. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Now now Greg play nice!

    What depends on the person taijutsu or you telling them :D I can imagine what your answer will be :cool:
  7. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Depends on the persons taijutsu if.......................... :D
  8. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Are you forgetting 50% of what you know again or remembering 50% of what you don't??? :D :D

    You are usually so willing to share your opinion with others, even if they don't want you to or didn't ask :D , so what's stoping you now :confused: :confused:

    :D :D
  9. Bouk Teef

    Bouk Teef Valued Member

    I think it probably comes down to having a confidence in your ablility and [for some] being a bit more switched on to dangerous situations. With those qualities you might expect to have positive body language making you seem less of a target.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  10. Blooming Lotus

    Blooming Lotus Banned Banned

    I don't think your question is solely relative to taijutsu but you are definately onto something. Taijutsu is like many arts a way of moving and experiencing space. When a potential attacker conciously or otherwise sees that you are not "open" to their attack , it's quite likely they won't. There's a whole other thing here aswell of qi or in this case ki that gives you sense of another persons intention. Because in taijutsu, an aim is to mask your intent while assessing theirs, it's a skill to pull it off and be able to hide your capacity of either......... kind of like telegraphing a strike and giving away your guard. If ppl think you're going to attack, they're more likely out of fear to respond or if your unlucky, beat you to it. Just sit or stand quietly still and breath as deep and quietly as you can manage a while and be part of the environment . See what you can notice about ppl and things and sounds and the way various movement feels outside of yourself...... the way they move and their intention. If you like, you can even close your eyes and see what changes. ;) :) ......... Then see what happens when you move and interact with it and note the differnces. We do this subtlely anyway but to bring it into concious plane is a nice way to spend some time.

    cheers and happy meditation

    Blooming Lotus
  11. specourt

    specourt Hero in a half-wit shell

    Rambling on....

    Years ago I was in a rough pub in an area I had not been to before. When nature called I found the gents door blocked by a gang of 8 or so hairy looking blokes. As I approached I cheerfully asked to get through but was told "NO" in no uncertain terms. Genuinely thinking this was a joke, I laughed, and boldly strode through them, they seemed a bit bewildered. When I re-emerged they had gone. It was only later that I discovered from local residents that these were not friendly people.
    Perhaps there was no issue and I was in no danger.
    Alternatively, this was a hunting pack looking to prey on the weak, but when faced with total confidence(albeit from total ignorance), they decided not to find out.
    So if ignorance is power, then I may be one of the most powerful men in history. But I think I'll keep training anyway. :D
  12. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Aspects of Kyojutsu tenkan ho and Henso Jutsu maybe???
  13. Dale Seago

    Dale Seago Matthew 7:6

    Blooming Lotus -- superb post. Thank you!!!
  14. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Ok so going on from masking intent.

    In doing this you are effectively creating a deception does everyone agree?

    In creating, taking part in, a deception we naturally give off non-verbal cues showing this. Now by practicing Taijutsu do we enable ourselves to not only consciously hide these cues, which are usually given off sub-consciously, but also sub-consciously mask them???

    Hope I'm still making sense

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  15. sshh

    sshh Not Talking Anymore

    I find what works well is to appear confident, but not in an arrogant - "I'm a bad mo'fo' " - type way, but at the same time use some disguise skill to appear weak or at least unaware of danger.

    What usually happens, is other 'witnesses' will think I'm acting like a potential victim (not displaying any personal power or evidence of skill / what appears to be weak posture / not trying to protect myself / etc.), but to the person in my space considering to harm me, they get a slightly different message. From the look I see on the faces of people who have thought about messing with me, they seem confused and unsure mentally why they abort their plans.

    I think they feel some instictual gut-level reaction and decide unconsciously to 'bail out.'

    I don't know if I quite explained that in an understandable way, but the gist is to not appear weak or strong, as either can be a cue for someone to attack you depending on the circumstances.
  16. Dale Seago

    Dale Seago Matthew 7:6

    I'm a definite proponent of that myself.
  17. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    The whole idea of ninjutsu is to be hidden, whenever we do anything it is always hidden until the final point, why advertise the fact that we know martial arts by changing our body language? I try my hardest to make sure i carry myself off the same way as i did before i started bujinkan.

    With the theory of walking with a different body language comes the problem that if the mugger can tell something is different then he may change the way he attacks making it more dangerous for you, maybe by throwing a house brick from behind?

    The way Hatsumi teaches is to disguise everything we do, look at takakmatsu, what a great man, but did he look like the owner of ninjutsu? nope he just looked like a normal japanese bloke, and this is what we should strive for, the hidden!!
  18. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Become the "grey man" as it were?

    That’s the thing though I don’t think we consciously change our day to day body language. A Taijutsu practioner may change their body language on a conscious level during a confrontation (verbal or physical) but to have internalised the concepts/movement of Taijutsu and move naturally is just that to do it naturally.

    So if Taijutsu becomes internalised I would imagine it would affect how we move without us realising it……I know I move differently since things have “clicked” with my Systema as not only do I feel a lot more flowing and relaxed than before but the wife has commented too :D moving through crowds isn’t a problem for me anymore, as you tend to flow round and through the spaces, it is for my other half as she can be left behind :D :D

    Could you not argue the same for showing alertness?? If you are seen as being switched on then the hypothetical mugger will change tactics but by appearing “switched off” you are inviting attack by advertising yourself as a potential victim, muggers tend to be opportunists and don’t like a hard target!!! :woo:

    So do you show your awareness be it through body language or other things and hopefully prevent a possible assault or keep it hidden still being aware and “switched on” but potentially inviting an attack?????

    As Sshh said the above changes with your situation for example in a bar with a group of rowdy lads you would want to be the “grey man” and not attract attention.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2005
  19. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    Showing your awareness is an advert, why show it? why does that mugger need to see your alertness? At the level of awareness you seek then this should be a natural effect and not something others can see, if you are good enough at your training then the mugger has had it, full stop. Its his fault he chose you, but thinking away from the mugger, if you walk around acting and look aware then what about a group of guys looking for trouble, they see you as cocky, they target you and they pounce, if your just a regular guy then they might pass you without any hassle.

    So looking at this Rich, how do you see yourself? the puffed out chest type looking out for the action? or the guy who walks by and lives another day?
  20. Lord Spooky

    Lord Spooky Banned Banned

    Last edited: Apr 8, 2005

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