
Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Floating_Tiger, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. Floating_Tiger

    Floating_Tiger New Member

    My overall physique is that of a football player. I'm practicing some moves my recruiter for the Army taught me but when i try to use a roundhouse kick i throw myself off balance.. even when i go slow. dows anyone have any thoughts on how i can correct my balance problem?
  2. JamieD

    JamieD Valued Member

    have you tried not kicking high. Just building up from there.


  3. Xith

    Xith New Member

    If it's a normal roundhouse kick, and your not trying to kick to the head (which just takes practice to develop), then it is probably your technique. Most students I helped had a big problem with balance on roundhouse kicks and backspins. Usually the problem was the fact that they were not twisting their feet and extending properly. When you do a roundhouse your base foot (the foot you are balancing on) must twist with the kick. Here's a great way to practice (this is for balance, not for fighting), place your kicking foot in back with the toes on both your feet pointed straight ahead. When you kick twist your body so that your hips and your shoulders are aligned as horizontally as possible, also make sure that the foot you are balancing on twists about 90 degrees from its starting position. The foot really is the key, it twists as you kick and retains your balance as your body shifts. It is a little hard to explain here, but if you do it correctly you will notice.
  4. JohnnyX

    JohnnyX Map Addict

    I think that you may need another pair of eyes to look at that with you. :)
  5. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    that's a good advice, because we all don't know if YOU understood right how a roundhouse kick should be done.

    sometimes students have balance problems when doing a roundhouse or a side kick because their leg goes one way and the upper body the other way or because they lower their upper body too much.

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