Latter Day Saints

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by fizz-lau, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. fizz-lau

    fizz-lau Valued Member

    Hi Are there any LDS folk on here????
  2. Fallacio

    Fallacio New Member

    My in-laws are. They gave me a Book of Mormon but it's pretty hard to read.
  3. choconutjoe

    choconutjoe New Member

    Pardon my ignorance but, what makes a saint a latter day rather than a former day?

    I have a freind who is a mormon, aparently he's not allowed to drink tea or coffee!
  4. UKscrapper

    UKscrapper I kick ass therefore I am

    I dissagree with Mormons as they originally believed that the white man was created in the image of God whilst conversely the black man was created by Satan as the counterpart to the white race.

    They have clung to that belief until the 1960's or 70's when one of their ministers had a revelation and declared that they have been wrong. Utah is the whitest state in the USA because of the institutionalised racism has been indoctrinated into these people.

    Mormons also believe that if a man is righteous he will one day become a God and have his own planet and his wife will be contantly giving birth to populate that planet with a pure race.

    To me the theology parcticed by the Mormons is very damaging and does nothing to spread good relations and harmony in a multi-ethnic envirnoment.
  5. choconutjoe

    choconutjoe New Member

    Wow crazy I never knew about that. Although my mormon freind listens to miles davis and a whole host of other black jazz musicians... maybe the mormonism we get in the u.k is somewhat 'watered down' compared to its american roots.
  6. firesprite

    firesprite Irate Pirate

    inconsistant considering that jesus was most likely black himself, but the majority of westeners up till the end 1950-1960s thought that way, not just mormons, and here at least a large number of mormons and LDS are pacific islanders.

    How many fundamentalists of any religion spread good relations? at least most don't do it openly.
  7. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    I must be one, my wife always tells me i am a moron! :D
  8. choconutjoe

    choconutjoe New Member

    Speaking of fundimentalist racist religious groups, has anyone seen the ku klux klan website? They have t-shirts for sale:
    I'm sure wether to laugh or cry...
    It's the "I'm dreaming of a white christmas" design that gets me everytime.
  9. booksie_girl

    booksie_girl Lucy the Terrible

    I took a look at it when we were studying the US civil war. Apart from anything else, the site has appaling design, but I found it really sickening. The amazing thing is that they claim that they are not racist. In fact, the KKK is based on 'love, not hate'. It's hypocritical, and it's disgusting.
  10. UKscrapper

    UKscrapper I kick ass therefore I am

    The most prejudiced religious group is the World Church of Creator. These guys are extremely violent and militant.

    Hey, the world is full of ass holes. I should know working as a bouncer. :rolleyes:
  11. Mr. Anderson

    Mr. Anderson Valued Member


    Would you like to share your sources of info on LDS beliefs? It sounds to me this is just something you heard and are passing on as a truth. I can assure you that 'Mormons' do not or have not ever believed that black men were created by Satan.

    Also as to aspiring to be a god - I can think of worse goals. 'Be ye therefore perfect...'
  12. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Booksie, you'll find that the white supremists are some of the most dangerous groups and individuals in the United States. They are threatened by the incredible growth of minorities and the power that they have here and fight back very violently when cornered. Look at Timothy McVeigh and that guy from Waco Texas. Of course he was a pedophile also.
  13. UKscrapper

    UKscrapper I kick ass therefore I am

    I have to say that all the information I have was from a US reformed baptist church as alot of people in this country are abit in the dark about Mormonism knowing only that it is a religion which opposes caffeine and which has large families.

    I have got in touch with a conservative reformed baptist church in Washington state whose sermons and classes I download weekly online. I totally agree with the way the church carries out its ministry and its mission and the sermons are a constant plethora of wisdom to me.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2004
  14. JamesD

    JamesD Valued Member

    Pity how fizz-lau just asked if there were any LDS here and gets this.
    fizz, I grew up lds, although I don't practice today.

    lol @ getting info about mormonism from a baptist church.

    Funny story: Before I was married to my Wife, her and I had gone up to her parents one weekend to visit. They are all Lutherans. They had all gone to bed and I had stayed up to read a bit. while I was setting at the table reading I looked over, and they had a lutheran pamphlet laying on their table, how to convert a mormon. LOL. I though it was pretty funny.
    If you wanna know what the mormon's believe go read a book written by mormon's. don't get your info from those who would love to see a religion other than their own die.
  15. choconutjoe

    choconutjoe New Member

    LOL yeah that is quite funny. Did you read it? What did it say?

    Also, what exactly does 'latter day saint' mean? Is it churches formed in the 20th century or what?
  16. JamesD

    JamesD Valued Member

    No, I didn't read it. I wish I would have though. But people who write those types of things and books denouncing mormons are usually viscious and wrong.

    latter day saint refers to those after Joseph Smith restored the gospel of Jesus Christ and God's church.

    You can find answers to other questions you may have at mormon dot org
  17. MartialArtsSnob

    MartialArtsSnob New Member

    I had a couple of these guys wake me up on three successive Saturday mornings a few years back, I told them, through vision blurred by a terrible hangover “Come back at a decent hour and I will talk to you”. They did, I spent the next three weeks with these guys at my house almost every night. I told them that I wanted the whole picture.
    First I have to say that these guys were the nicest, most well mannered, intelligent and sincere people I have ever met. They are organized to an extreme level, passionate and very well informed of their doctrine.

    That being said, Ukscrapper is correct on all counts. They did not mention the issue with blacks so I am not sure on this one. One thing that I found was weird (other than the special underwear that shields them from the “unclean” thoughts of others) was the issue of baptism of their ancestors. This is the reason that the Mormons have the largest and most complete genealogical database in the world. According to them, anyone who was baptized since John the Baptist died was for nothing. They say that only the Malkesnic (sp?)Priests had the authority to perform baptism. Christ and John the Baptist came back and Baptized Joseph Smith sooooo they baptize all of their ancestors by proxy, all the way back to the time of Christ!

    While learning the history they told me of the battle between the Nefites and the Levites, they said the Nefites conquered the Levites and they became one people. This is where I fell out of my chair in a fit of laughter, when I came to my senses I asked, “Did that make them the knee-high Levi’s?”

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