Karate isn't any good

Discussion in 'Karate' started by How, Apr 20, 2004.

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  1. How

    How Banned Banned

    Blah! karate is a stupid way of fighting, Karateists are too tense and waste all their energy, they are not relaxed and don't put all their energy into the punch because they waste it before the punch in their tense postions. That's why kung fu is better than karate. That's why a kung fu man was the best fighter of our time (Bruce Lee) karate is like a metal pole hitting someone, but kung fu is like a metal ball on a chain being swung into someone. A 1st DAN in Karate at my school challenged me and I'm only a 7th Kup in TKD. He got into a stupid big stance and stepped foreword and punched really slowly. I was like 'Hmm' and stepped out of the way and caught him in the ribs with a turning kick knocking him down. Hence Karate is a stupid martial art!
  2. englishpremier

    englishpremier Valued Member

    someone looking for a fight i see. *I shake my head*
  3. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    By that reckoning, if one person makes a stupid post, they are a stupid person?

    Heads up for you...

    When you bash other people's styles of MA, without having proper and good experience of them yourself, it does not go down well!
  4. How

    How Banned Banned

    Karate is stupid, It smells and doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!

    HA!!!!! I'm all the way over here protected by my monitor! You cannot get me!!!
    Besides I gave proof as to why Karate doesn't work. But no one gave me proof as to how it does work.
  5. JohnnyX

    JohnnyX Map Addict

    Karateists - Who are they?

    If you are going to insult us, then please have the dignity to call us by our proper name - Karateka.

    Cheers. :)
  6. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Listen up...

    Either behave and post sensibly, or get out.

    One more trollbait post, and you're outta here. This is your chance to prove you can act sensibly and be a grown up. Take it.
  7. How

    How Banned Banned

    Sense-A-tive or what?! Why don't you calm down and realise that not everyone can love your precious style. What matters is if YOU like it or not. Not what others think, HA! this was all a test to see how wise you all were.
    What you should've been thinking is 'If that is how you feel then fine, I am not you and will continue to follow my own path, go in peace' But what I got was 'What!? No you are wrong wrong wrong, Oh i hope your wrong, stop it!'

    This was a test and I have concluded that you all need alot of work until you can reach enlightenemnt. Those who felt no need to post have passed, I swear I can hear some of you screaming 'Huzzah!!'

    By the way I do Karate. But I was bored and wanted to test you, YOU FAILED! TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, err, MAN!
  8. Adam

    Adam New Member

    You failed your test as well. Goodbye.
  9. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    My post was also a test. One which you failed, oddly enough.

    I'm wise enough to know a troll when I see one. Come back in 2 weeks and we'll talk again.
  10. Cain

    Cain New Member

    No - just a mod on the job, take all the tests you want in real life mate, this is the wrong place to do it!


  11. Cain

    Cain New Member

    Bah! too late - I must be losing my touch :(

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