Judo and Jujitsu from the same school?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Yama Tombo, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. Yama Tombo

    Yama Tombo Valued Member

    I was reading a book called "Judo: Beginner to Black Belt" By Bruce Tegner (its anold book) Jigaro Kano supposely was the founder of Judo and Judo had two parts

    "For sport and physical development Professor Kano selected throwing and grappling techniques. For self-defense he selecte hand and foot blows, holds, escapes, and trips. He established the Kodokan, a school for teaching judo. Beginning students at the Kodokan were taught only the sport phase of judo--throws and grappling. Advanced students were taught the entirely different and seperate techniques for self-defense. For many years, continuing into the present, the word judo has been used for both the sport form and self-defense form of the activiy. Sometimes the terms jujitsu or atemi waza were used to distinguish the self-defense....from the sport of judo. More often, judo and jujitsu were used interchangeably."

    Preface of Book

    Just thought I'd share this with everyone, even if most of you already knew this.
  2. Creeper

    Creeper New Member

    Nice post. I think it's helpful for those trying to find what it is they want to study. Many Judo instructors will not teach beyond the sport level and for some people that may be ok but others may want to learn Judo for other reasons. If the awareness is not "out there" then people would never know all of their options. Good job.

  3. shootodog

    shootodog restless native

    good post!

    though i think the term being used nowadays is atemi waza so as not to confuse the judoka. jujutsu form the old sword schools and the "new" schools have similar techniques from the atmi waza yet has many inticacies and variances from school to school. besides, judo stands apart from the traditional ryu jujutsu styles and systems.

    *when i say jujutsu, i mean japanese jujutsu. not to be confused with bjj.

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