How oftern should you go training?

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by TRACTOR, Mar 13, 2004.


    TRACTOR New Member

    How oftern should you train ?

    I go training twice a week for just over an hour per lesson in TKD, granted I know this is not enuff for what I want to get out of the ma. Ive read forum posts where guys say they train in multiple ma near enuff every day of the week, fair enuff thats there choice, but where do they find the time to juggle training, work, rest (sleep) and every thing else? :confused:

    Ive come to the conclusion that I could do a bit of training in the early morning around 6:30 am for around half an hour to forty five minutes before I go to work,abit of bag work and some streching but to do this then work a 10 hour day is starting to discourage me a bit!!

    What do you guys do? how do you cope with early morning training if you do it?
  2. spacepimp

    spacepimp Valued Member


    Although we only meet formally once a week, I generally train daily. It is not always as rigourous as class setting, but I may just be going through Kata routines or blocks, kicks stretching. It is not how often you go to class but what you do when you are not in class that makes a difference.
  3. neryo_tkd

    neryo_tkd Valued Member

    it all depends what u want to achieve with ur trainings. for people who want a good work-out and learn some of the stuff without competitions and pushing it over the limits, i guess 2 or 3 times a week is enough.

    at the moment i don't train at all. i am only doing knee exercises as part of my physiotherapy because i'm recovering from a knee surgery.

    i am a competitor. that means that i train every day except Sun. 2 times per week I aslo go jogging. 2 times per week I go the gym. Competitors train with everyone else 3 times a week, Mon, Wed, Fri. On the other days we train alone and we get a training program from our instructor.

    I also teach. Teaching others does not mean training yourself because if you want to teach someone u have to explain everything and watch ur students do the required techniques. So, these training sessions I don't count as my personal training sessions.

    I also work and have other duties. Just don't freak out. Organize yourself because that is really really important.
  4. toothpaste100

    toothpaste100 Banned In 60 Seconds

    I can go 3 times a week for 45 minutes, I don't think I'm going to stay at my school for much longer because almost 1/2 of these tiny classes are spent doing nothing.
  5. Jackie Li

    Jackie Li Valued Member

    I go 6 days a week, usually 2 hours a day, sometimes shorter.
  6. mattsylvester

    mattsylvester One proud daddy!

    I used to train 5 days a week for about 12-15 hours when I was single but I found that life can just get in the way.
  7. Poop-Loops

    Poop-Loops Banned Banned

    I usually go 3 times a week, 1.5hours a session. Lately, however, I've been sick and have had a lot of homework, so couldn't go that often. :(

  8. TKDIreland

    TKDIreland TKDIreland Kicks Ass!!


    well personally i train 3-4 times a week between 1-2and a half hours. its all class work. i'd do more but ivegot college to deal with. i train with my club 3 times a week in which we do sparring , patterns the works. then i also train with the irish squad for 2 hrs in which we do everything only more intnese :woo: i love it. ill probably train more when i get my 1st Dan etc.
  9. mattsylvester

    mattsylvester One proud daddy!

    Basically, the answer is, train as much in class as you can and are willing to. Train at home whenever you like (you can stretch when watching telly for example).

    So long as you are comfortable and not stressing because other aspects of your life are being neglected then you'll find everything is cool.
  10. Kenpo Kicker

    Kenpo Kicker New Member

    Train as much as possible. I go every day to twice a day and do multiple arts :) . I have a job and I am a college student. All my schedules revolve around ma lol .
  11. Infesticon #1

    Infesticon #1 Majesticon

    I keep getting ill too, it's fairly annoying as tkd's one of the things I look forward to weekly and atm I keep missing, 1 weeks training out of about 5 or 6, it totally blows.

    In healthier times I train once a week on saturday for 3 hours. I work a night shift so the only session I can go to is on sat. great huh.
  12. Rick

    Rick New Member

    I'm testing in a few weeks so I'm training daily, but once I pass I'll probably drop back to 3 classes a week and then running through the forms during off days. I think one of the considerations is how often you -want- to train. I'm sure everyone has had a day where you just wanted to slack, and you have to force yourself to go to class. Ideally, we'd be excited about going to class every single time and would want to train constantly, but sometimes that just isn't so. The flip-side of that is if you make training a chore rather than something you want to do, you'll quit studying all together.
  13. Din

    Din 3rd dan

    how bout training after work ... or just do some light training before work .
  14. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    I go three days a week, for 5 hours total. Any more and my muscles would kill me more than they already do.
  15. Goju Dale

    Goju Dale New Member

    I used to train 5 days a week in a hard workout. I found that my body was not given the time to recuperate between sessions with doing hard workouts. I would suggest 2 hard workouts a week and upto 4 easy workouts (I suggest 1 complete day off). An easy workout for me would, be trainging to better learn the movements, body position, etc. A hard workout would be where I elevate my Cardio Vascular rate to a workout pace.

  16. MichaelV

    MichaelV New Member

    Wish I had that much free time. I only go to class twice a week, for a little over an hour each class.

    I do workout at home 3 days a week for usually 2 hours a day, though. It's just weights and cardio, however - not technique.
  17. Rick

    Rick New Member

    I think Kwajman and Goju Dale raise a good point about the dangers of over-doing it. During a workout I'll push myself hard while really trying to stay focused. After class I usually hang around longer and work on whatever comes to mind, but then you have to stop. If you spend an extra hour doing technique when your muscles are burned, all you've done is spent an hour teaching your body sloppy technique.

    If you're really motivated and mentally want to work on TKD when you're physically exahausted (and good for you!) then do stretchng exercises. I really don't think you can do those too much, it will help you recover faster from the burn, and it feels good.
  18. Kwajman

    Kwajman Penguin in paradise....

    Rick, I think your dead on right. You can only train so long until you begin to burn out physically and mentally. Better to slow down and walk through a routine, than go all out and only be half there physically. You've got time, do it right when your nice and fresh.
  19. Kenpo Kicker

    Kenpo Kicker New Member

    I got used to training hard from keeping it up. I train everyday and not burned out from training at all :) . I am not even sore atm and had karate, kickboxing, and bjj yesterday. Well I blocked a hard kick and feeling that but that will go away. If I don't train I have too much energy. I am still young and in my prime though (21) . My body has developed rapidly. I even train when tired. When I am tired it usually wakes me up.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2004

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