Studying in China?

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Gryphon, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Gryphon

    Gryphon New Member

    New member here. I am 17, and I studied Shaolin Kenpo regularly until I was... I believe I was 13. In that time I reached the rank of Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt). I teach at the dojo in the summer, still, and I love teaching.
    I have since quit my training, and I run Cross Country and Track & Field (I pole vault and sprint for track) in high school at the moment. I will be going to college most likely, due to my parents' wishes, but i think that when I am done, or maybe before I start college (if I can) I want to go train in Shaolin Kung Fu at an academy in China ( ). Then in theory I would try to open a dojo of my own. I am okay with that last part not working out, though, as that is not the point. Anyone have any experience with any of these things? I'm thinking of maybe getting an MBA either before or after training. Preferably after, if my parents let me.
    Anyway, thoughts on training at an academy in China?
    Thoughts on opening a dojo?
    Right now this sounds like an AMAZING life plan.
  2. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    With due respect......

    Your priority should be getting the proper education and so forth for a real job.

    Second, Shaolin is more hype, commercial, and fantasy and not to be taken upon as a life's ambition

    Third, Welcome...there are a lot of experienced people here,
  3. Osu,

    Yes, there are many acrobats, clowns and circus schools in China ;)
    They'll gladly welcome your money!

  4. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    If I had a choice..

    I would go to China to see the Great Wall, The Forbidden City, and then Shaolin....ALL for a tourist attraction....

    But if I wanted hardcore training (in Asia) I would go to Japan or Thailand....

    (Korea would be OK, but not upon my top two choices)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  5. And Okinawa, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines...
    Funny how these countries all seem to be either islands, or populated by sea faring people...
    Hummm... food for thoughts here! :)

  6. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Indeed, the list could go on.......
  7. Hatamoto

    Hatamoto Beardy Man Kenobi Supporter

    I knew a guy who spent a few months training in China. Think the whoel thing cost him about 12 grand. From the pics he put on Facebook he was basically living in a shed and training in a dirt field behind it.. Not seen him at the regular classes back home since, coz he's been paying off the 12 grand and can't afford the £6 a week...

    Seems overrated to me, though I think it would be a cool thing to do, health and money notwithstanding. Saying that, read American Shaolin, that was enough for me lol
  8. JSKukkiKicker

    JSKukkiKicker Valued Member

    I definitely agree with choosing to focus on a school taught life skill that can get you a "real job" so no matter what happens you can be a contributing member of society and your family. I also believe to dream big and develop your passions. Who knows what opportunities may come your way. Be excited!! and be able to think outside the box.

    I am curious, everything I have seen of chinese Shaolin (actual monks) training looks pretty intense and not to be scoffed at. Also, the Shaolin monks I have seen in person have impressed me with how explosive their movements are. The power in their strikes and the speed in their movements are also very impressive. They definitely stand out and don't look like clowns to me. Am I missing something?


    Many people open martial arts schools and use it for their sole income. Although from what I have seen, the people who make great money from Martial arts schools tend to go the too dodjo ish route. It seems hard to run a good school with integrity and become wealthy in the TMA's. least currently seems to be the an exception at times....only if one gets very involved in the major orgs and well known as a trainer for the highest end competitors.

    A few occupations that involve martial arts can be developed side by side with your MBA dreams. Opening a school, stunt, action, choreography work, sanda coaching, olympic ma coaching (TKD, Judo). Open your own action studio for entertainment media. Just depends on where you want to put your focus. Generally speaking, these types of jobs are hard to get and you have to be the best in the field, know the right people, and even with all of the right ingredients, you may never get in. (except opening a school, anyone can do that and many under qualified people do).

    Going to college and getting a "proper education" allows you to have amazingly realistic odds at getting a job and affording yourself. The great thing about a real job it that it allows you to afford your hobbies and may even at some point support your dreams.

    If anything....learn to manage your time...... be realistic in smart...and be diligent

    PS. a school related route can be, sports therapist, PE Teacher, maybe even a coach of some sort. It is best to find out the annual salary of a job you may be interested in, create budgets and see if you'll be able to live with it.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  9. JSKukkiKicker

    JSKukkiKicker Valued Member

    In my opinion, unless 12 grand is pocket change. That would not be the best life decision. Best to stay out of unnecessary debt.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  10. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    You are missing the point..Shaolin itself is too commercial
  11. ShadowHawk

    ShadowHawk Valued Member

    My friend (a hispanic male) went to china and somehow found a teacher out there and lived there for many years training under his "master" or teacher.

    He came back wit a lot of knowledge (both spiritual and martial arts) and love for the chineese culture. The details I do not know.
  12. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    There's Shaolin and there's Shaolin is the crux of the issue. I know Shaolin trained people who are skilled martial artists and great fighters, and I know Shaolin trained people who are acrobats. Getting a personal recommendation is crucial.
    The school you've mentioned is not in Shaolin, in fact it's hundreds of miles from it. However, I knew a guy who trained there 10+ years ago and it was the real deal and he certainly learned to fight there. However, it was 12-13 years ago, things may have changed.
  13. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Anyway, if you're paying £12000 for a few months training in mainland china, you're being ripped off. The school linked is less than $5000 for a year all in.
  14. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    It has changed...

    It fact, I had a bud whom went there 10+ years ago, and the better teachers were not at Shaolin...they were outside the province.

    And if you really want good Chinese martial arts, many teachers left China and teach elsewhere...Malaysia, Taiwan, Maccau..etc...(Some people do not know why)

    People are misled with the "Shaolin Bandwagon"

    They are many Chinese martial arts/instructors who misus the name for their own recognition, fame, and gains
  15. Gripfighter

    Gripfighter Sub Seeker

    either you have seen too many movies or you've been drinking to much shaolin koolaid, wu tang clan aint nothing to mess with you know.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
  16. Gripfighter

    Gripfighter Sub Seeker

    no he didnt, maybe talking out your backside should be against the TOS ?
  17. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Read it again, the school in question is not at Shaolin, it's up by the Russian border. The "good Kung Fu teachers are all outside China" is to a degree HK Kung Fu teachers' propaganda.
  18. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Ease up...he did say he did not know the details :eek:
  19. AndrewTheAndroid

    AndrewTheAndroid A hero for fun.

    Thank god he's Hispanic. If he were anything else, he may not have made it out alive. :eek:
  20. Stuart H

    Stuart H On the Mandarin bandwagon

    What is it you hope to get from Shaolin?

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