Taijutsu question

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by P.G, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. P.G

    P.G Valued Member

    Is Taijutsu a "non grabbing art"????

    I cant figure that out by myself :bang::bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:

  2. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Taijutsu is a generic term often used in relation to various forms of "Jujutsu".

    Your question makes me think you are on about Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, would that be correct?

    Within that system you often hear the phrase "grabbing without grabbing or hold without holding" but that isn't the same as it being a predominantly striking art. It has more to do with your interaction with your partner, not giving them any tells about what's going on and not being too fixed.

    Well that's my take on it anyway. :)
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  3. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    Taijutsu features quite a bit of grabbing, and grappling. A lot of stand-up grappling particularly. There is some groundwork as well, but not nearly as much as would be ideal to prepare you against a trained ground opponent. The groundwork featured in taijutsu generally prefers that you take a higher elevation to allow of quickly disengaging your adversary, and it presupposes that either party is likely to be armed.
  4. Pkhamidar2com

    Pkhamidar2com Panda Member

    My friend does Taijutsu. He said there are 3 seasons he does. Weapons, grappling and striking.
  5. dentoiwamaryu

    dentoiwamaryu Valued Member

    In traditional Aikido, Taijutsu is translated as Body techniques or empty hand techniques. So weapons works is called Buki waza, and empty hand is called Taijutsu
  6. Kurtka Jerker

    Kurtka Jerker Valued Member

    I've heard it said in the Bujinkan that if one has to use conventional firm grips to make something happen, you're doing something wrong.
    It makes some sense too. Hauling on some muscularly clamped object isn't ideal compared to leading someone into the same place.
  7. blackswordbilly

    blackswordbilly Banned Banned

    taijutsu or kinhorn arts there is graping punching kick and stomping pully pinching some case biting clawing this no street fight its fight for surivila!
  8. Seventh

    Seventh Super Sexy Sushi Time

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