Matvei's training log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by matveimediaarts, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Tonite-1.5 hours sword. At the gym earlier. Also, 1.5 hours ballet in the afternoon.

    1x5 empty bar
    1x3 70 lbs
    5x2 95 lbs

    front squat
    1x5 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs
    5x2 75 lbs

    push press
    1x5 50 lb
    1x3 70 lbs
    5x2 80 lbs

    4x5, 2x4

    tricep kickbacks
    1x6 30 lbs
    1x3 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs

    grip test-90 lbs, 38 seconds

    tricep press 1x3 125 lbs

    back squats
    2x3 90 lbs
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2015
  2. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    First half of ballet was midterm exam. ~yawn~ :p Second half was adagio combinations. Very disappointing day.
  3. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Gym madness...

    1x5 empty bar
    1x3 70 lbs
    5x2 95 lbs

    front squat
    1x5 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs
    5x2 75 lbs

    push press
    1x5 50 lb
    1x3 70 lbs
    5x2 80 lbs

    5x5, 3x4

    tricep kickbacks
    1x6 30 lbs
    1x3 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs

    a bunch of HIIT.

    Had extra time, so
    tricep press 1x3 125 lbs
    back squats 2x3 90 lbs.

    Also, climbing shenannigans. :)
  4. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Tonight, 1.5 hours ballet. Adagio and allegro. No grand allegro. :( :'( Teacher says I haz teh awesome turnout. :cool: Pique turns are finally starting to resemble pique turns more closely. :D
  5. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Gym madness...

    1x5 empty bar
    1x3 70 lbs
    5x2 95 lbs

    front squat
    1x5 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs
    3x3 75 lbs

    push press
    1x5 50 lb
    1x3 70 lbs
    3x3 80 lbs

    5x5, 3x4

    tricep kickbacks
    1x6 30 lbs
    1x3 50 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs

    push press
    1x5 50 lbs
    1x3 70 lbs
    3x3 80 lbs
    a bunch of HIIT.

    Had extra time, so
    tricep press 1x3 125 lbs
    back squats 2x3 90 lbs.

    Also, climbing shenannigans.
  6. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    i dont really understand your weight training - why do you not progress the weights or reps if youve done it before?
  7. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    I do progress weight and/or reps. I'm just experimenting with a method Harry F gave me a while ago.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  8. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    So far today-1.5 hours or so kobudo class. Kihon bo 10-15, kumae bo, more intro to ni tanbo and controlled tanbo sparring.
  9. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    Just to point out buddy, harry has you change the reps and sets each work out (you've been doing 5x2 for a week now)

    harry's plan below is great because each workout varies between a few, lots and medium total reps (6, 10, 9)

  10. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Thanks! I should probably print it off so I get it right next week. :bang: Moving on to 6x1 next week! :)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
  11. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Printed off the info.

    Ended the day with ni tonbo handling review.
  12. HarryF

    HarryF Malued Vember

  13. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Would you say I've got the weights figured correctly? I'm going to add 5 lbs to my working weights and set my pullups to 2x4 followed by 3x3. Tomorrow being Monday, my working sets will be 6x1.
  14. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    So far, 1 hour ballet or so. Had to fill out a teacher eval form in the last half hour. :p *yawn*
  15. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Evening-1 hour sword. Iaito kata and bokken sparring. Testing for ijimonji rank this Thursday! :D
  16. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Afternoon-gym shenannigans

    light warmup
    1x5 empty bar
    1x3 65 lb
    6x1 100 lb

    Front squat
    1x5 45 lb
    1x3 55 lb
    6x1 80 lb (challenging! :) )

    push press
    1x5 45 lb
    1x3 55 lb
    6x1 85 lb (OMG, that was surprisingly hard :eek: but rewarding)

    no straps today
    2x4, 3x3

    Leg press, IDR the weights
    ankle flexion
    climbing around on the equipment a bit. :)
  17. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Continuing with Harry F-do.
    mild warmup

    1x5 empty bar
    1x3, 65 lbs
    5x2 100 lbs

    front squat
    1x5 45 lbs
    1x3 55 lbs
    5x2 65 lbs

    Push press (I'm pretty bad at this one now that it's getting heavier... :/ )
    1x5 45 lbs
    1x3 60 lbs
    5x2 80 lbs

    4x4, 3x1

    "Exercise 5", I suppose you could call it-
    A little something I got from Elliot Hulse's book to play with.
    Bench press 1x1 50 lbs
    plyo pushups, 3x1
    dumbell squats 1x20, 50 lbs
    alternating lunges, 10 each side, 2 50 lb dumbells, IIRC
    alternating stepups, 1x20
    kettlebell swings, 1x20, 14 kg
    "plyo-kneeups" I believe they're called @ dip station, 1x20
    seated twists w/ medicine ball (on the heavy side, IDK the weight) 1x20.

    Some climbing shenannigans, ankle flexion, stretching, and cooldown stuff.
  18. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    This morn-1 hour kobudo. Staff basics, kata, kumae bo. Nothing special. Introduced a new kumae bo.
  19. matveimediaarts

    matveimediaarts Underappreciated genius

    Spontaneous cardio. Saw a loose dog running along the street. Chased it for ~.5 blocks. Before giving up. Hope the poor thing finds its way home. :(
  20. belltoller

    belltoller OffTopic MonstreOrdinaire Supporter

    That's crackers. Had a good snort reading that :)

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