Trump by name......

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Dead_pool, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    really? cause there's mad men in russia and syria that are doing a good job with "scare" right now. also erdogan.
  2. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    But does it affect with our own surrounding verse national or global?
  3. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    What do people think of Bloomberg entering the race? Would it be a successful run, and when would he have to enter?
  4. Thompsons

    Thompsons Valued Member

    Good question. If money really does run the World he should stand a fair chance, that guy is loaded.
  5. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    Y'all are going to call me paranoid, I suspect his entrance is meant to rob support from Sanders much as Fiorina's entry was made to discourage accusations of sexism within the Republican Party. I suspect that, if Sanders continues to do well.
  6. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    Are people who might support Sanders likely to support Bloomberg. Isn't he what Sanders is railing against, billionaire capitalist with massive ties to Wall St?

    Or are you saying that if Clinton keeps dropping Bloomberg would be the alternative to make sure everyone doesn't go to Sanders?
  7. Crucio

    Crucio Valued Member

    They do not represent and keep the EU safe. The US is love it or hate it, and i'm saing this as an European, the one and only power that guarantees true democracy. Especially for E Europe.

    I don't want to get to deep here, regardless of what she says, but there is a reason why from Poland to Romania it is clear that a strong and rational US is integral to peace.
  8. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    The previous. I see him being able to use his outsider/independent status to take up a very radical position and moderate his economic ties. Bet you $2
  9. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member

    Its probably already too late for Bloomberg to get involved in the Democratic primaries. But if he ran as an independent, it would likely hand the election to whomever the Republican candidate is.
  10. Thompsons

    Thompsons Valued Member

    I am with Crucio on this one. Any nation boardering Russia or the Baltic Sea feels Russian presence not seen like back in the Cold War days. Where Trump would fit in here as the new lead of the US i dont know. Apparantly the two would be friends if tabloids are right. Talk about one bizarre friendship.
  11. Pearlmks

    Pearlmks Valued Member

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying that global and/or national statistics don't necessarily apply to your situation/area? Of course not. But there's no reason why all statistics should be national/global. In fact they're not.

    Another Ars article, incredible situation:

    It's almost like they're reading the thread.
  12. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    Antonin Scalia just died, meaning the president gets to elect a new SC justice. Given that he was a conservative and they dominated the courts the replacement is a huge deal. Is Obama going to be able to get a nomination through before the election or will the republicans roadblock it until after the elections?
  13. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    It amazes me the lack of attention that is given to what could, quite, quite possibly, lead to our species' extinction. I can remember watching videos of children performing duck and cover maneuvers in grade school, where is our preparation now?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2016
  14. Pearlmks

    Pearlmks Valued Member

    What school did you go to? :evil:

    Sorry couldn't help it. Maybe I should quit reddit.

    What suprises me is that people don't realise that lazy thinking in one area spills over to others and how truly damaging it is. Unless you have remarkable cognitive dissonance, a whole other problem, the bad info and methodology that these teachers and laws cause affect pretty much everything else you've learned and know. That's how stuff like homeopathy becomes mainstream and accepted, scientists are just guessing after all. Why do major publications STILL include a horoscope???? It's ridiculous.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2016
  15. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    I am leaving that typo as it stands.
  16. Pearlmks

    Pearlmks Valued Member

    An oldie but a goodie

  17. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    It was funny, but I fixed it anyway. :)
  18. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  19. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    So this just popped up on one of the magazines I read and it seemed topical to the debate. Some highlights:

    "Republican candidate Mary Lou Bruner might fit right in—and move seamlessly from her current gig as vocal critic of the board to elected board member.

    The retired teacher has written that “Evolution is a religious philosophy with propaganda supporting the religion of Atheism.” She also claims that scientists have ignored and hidden evidence that humans and dinosaurs walked the planet at the same time."


    "Bruner, in fact, has written about the extinction of dinosaurs. “When the flood waters subsided and rushed into the oceans there was no vegetation on the earth because the earth had been covered with water. . . . The dinosaurs on [Noah’s ark] may have been babies and not able to reproduce. . . . After the flood, the few remaining Behemoths and Leviathans may have become extinct because there was not enough vegetation on earth for them to survive to reproductive age.”

    Meanwhile, “Climate change has nothing to do with weather or climate, it’s all about system change from capitalism (free enterprise) to Socialism-Communism. The Climate Change HOAX was Karl Marx’s idea. It took time to ‘condition’ the people so they would believe such a HOAX!”"

    Again, keep in mind, because of its population, Texas exerts undue influence on the writing of textbooks that go nationwide.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  20. Guitar Nado

    Guitar Nado Valued Member

    All I can offer here is this:

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