MA vs Animals

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Bejito, May 12, 2005.

  1. JayKayD

    JayKayD Meet my friend PAIN!

    i heard against things like mountain lions your meant to make yourself as big and as loud as possible, so the voice box isn't a bad idea. Running is utterly pointless, if anything it means they are more likely to chase you.

    Against bears, large cats and so on i'd give you all of about 10 seconds, and thats just because it would take them that long to get through your ribcage. You wouldn't even be able to make them flinch.
  2. Drunken Miss Ho

    Drunken Miss Ho New Member

    I would gladly take them off your hands :D But then, do I not know something about pugs that I should? They are so cute, it's hard to imagine them being bad.
  3. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    this is pretty dumb. maybe a small unaggitated or ravenous dog. but try kicking an angry rabies infested pit bull or'll just **** it off and it'll probably kill you.

    but it works well against cats. we all know how evil cats are. little bastards always plotting against me. they try and sleep on my face to suffocate me!!!!!!
  4. Bellator Manus

    Bellator Manus Warrior of the Hand

    Also, against a mountain lion carry a survival knife that is easy to reach.
  5. minimal

    minimal New Member

    Against anything big with claws I would think two knives would be better, in case they scratched the one hand. Something like a spear or sword would be better, as it would give you a safer distance to attack from.

    I read somewhere that if you fall down 'dead' (possum) a bear will leave you alone.
    I would try noise, I guess, it shouldn't be too hard to scream in that situation.

    Since it's probably impossible to practice anything like this, maybe I should just practice on frozen beef, like rocky.

    (I'll be a while working up to that, I'm only on frozen chickens now. )
  6. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Screaming doesn't work. Your typical scream is a fear sound, something that hunters are atuned to. If you are using sound to confront an animal, it is best to face the animal and yell. The deeper your voice, the better. You notice your pitch goes up when you scream from fear, but goes down when you shout a challenge? Same idea. Present yourself to the animal as though you were not affraid. Sometimes just standing still will do the trick. I was once confronted in a small room by a large, and rather unhappy German Sheperd at the local animal shelter. I didn't back off or move towards the animal, which eventually eased off on its own and I was able to leave the room intact.

    Most attacks from hunters (since I picked up the mountain lion and everyone ran with it, I will stick with it) are surprise attacks from behind or above. The animal is on you before you really have time to react. I don't see as to how carrying a knife really helps that much, but hey, couldn't hurt.

    I wouldn't fall down for a bear, after all, they are not adverse to scavenging already dead meat, what does it care if that meat is human or not. I think the general advice is to stand still facing the bear and slowly back away. If the animal moves towards you, stand still again. Usually if you don't fall into the categories of "threat" or "food" then the animal will leave you alone.

    DMH, I will be happy to send you the little bast.... er.... darlings. Just give me your shipping address and off they go. I have had pugs growing up and generally they are pretty good little dogs and not overly prone to yappy little dog behavior. These, however... well, I will just let you find out for yourself. Oh, my mother is very attached to them, mind if I send her along as well?
    Last edited: May 17, 2005
  7. bear82

    bear82 New Member

    my granfather used to be an officer in the Czech army back before WWII. some of his friends got him drunk and put him into a large cage occupied with a russian black circus bear. this was a very little one, and my grandfather was 6'3", 250 and built like a powerlifter with little fat. he wrestled with the bear from behind and it still smashed his nose into pudding with one totally off-centered blow. lucky he didn't catch the claws or i wouldn't be here today. moral of the story: don't be a moron.

    BTW, all of the posts about hunter cats attacking from behind and stuff would make perfect sense. simply put, these animals want to eat and care nothing for the fight. same reason why lions attack the slow and sickly animals at the end of the herd - they're hungry! in all fairness, many animals test their toughness among each other, generally to impress a female. but, the lion doesn't tell the gizelle, "Hey, your horns look dumb!" to which is then replied, "I'm gonna kick your lion ass!"

    only humans talk about this in online message boards. makes you wonder who's more civilized...
  8. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    How can you be so sure? You don't speak lion.
  9. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    How COULD you!!!!?!!

    Meg a.k.a. Mrs. Miaow
  10. Nick K

    Nick K Sometimes a Valued Member

    Ha! A mata hari of the cat world. Beware her honeyed purring
  11. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    I'd stomp that little deleted to death instantly, they are so evil and alergic. nothing is as cute as a puppy. and they are loyal and loving :D

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2005
  12. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    My kitty could kick your puppy's butt
  13. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    You are completely wrong. :D
    A big cat may hurt you...
    But a little pussy never hurt anyone. :eek:
  14. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

  15. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    LMAO... ain't that the truth !!! :D
  16. tekkengod

    tekkengod the MAP MP

    so very true! :)
  17. pgm316

    pgm316 lifting metal

    slipthejab I think your very worng on this occasion, that dog was lucky!

    This man is clearly ready for far greater challenges!

  18. fugepilot

    fugepilot New Member

    I was walking into a small shop. Just inside the doorway, I had to pass a seated medium/large Rottweiler on-lead beside it's standing owner. In passing I suddenly found myself doing diagonal flying - which neatly plucked my forearm from it's slobbering maw.

    Tai Chi Ch'uan worked for me. :D

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