Inosanto angles

Discussion in 'Filipino Martial Arts' started by ballistic, Dec 13, 2004.

  1. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Or simple, direct & non-classical.

    Hmmmm.... that rings a bell :D
  2. Pat OMalley

    Pat OMalley Valued Member

    *Ding a ling a ling a ling* BADGES! we dont need no stinking badges:D
  3. ballistic

    ballistic Valued Member

    phew! now that's all out of the way,i was just wondering if anyone knows the Inosanto numbering system from 75-100? lol
  4. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Why not post what you have for 1-74 and see if that matches up with what other people have - and maybe someone can add some for you?
  5. ballistic

    ballistic Valued Member

    great idea, thank Yoda!
    heres what i have so far (apoogies for spelling!)

    Angle Strike
    1 Diagonal downward forehand to head
    2 Diagonal downward backhand to head
    3 Horizontal forehand at waist height
    4 Horizontal backhand at waist height
    5 Forehand thrust to body
    6 Backhand thrust to face
    7 Forehand thrust to face
    8 Vertical downward to head
    9 Diagonal downward forehand to knee
    10 Diagonal downward backhand to knee
    11 Diagonal forehand uppercut
    12 Diagonal backhand uppercut
    13 Horizontal forehand at head height
    14 Horizontal backhand at head height
    15 Forhand vertical redondo to head
    16 Umbrella backhand diagonal redondo
    17 Forhand upward diagonal hook thrust (songkete)
    18 Backhand vertical redondo
    19 Umbrella forhand diagonal Redondo
    20 Backhand upward diagonal hook thrust (songkete)
    21 Diagonal forehand hit to head (watik)
    22 Diagonal backhand hit to head (watik)
    23 Albanico to left temple
    24 Albanico to right temple
    25 Two handed overhead strike to head

    26(double handed)Hands on both ends of stick, low upwards thrust on forhand side
    27 Hands on both ends of stick, high downward thrust on forhand side
    28 Hands on both ends of stick, mid upwards thrust on forhand side
    29 Hands on both ends of stick, mid downwards thrust on forhand side
    30 R hand twisting angle 1 labtik
    31 Hands on both ends of stick, low upwards thrust on backhand side
    32 Hands on both ends of stick, high downwards thrust on backhand side
    33 Hands on both ends of stick, mid upwards thrust on backhand side
    34 Hands on both ends of stick, mid downwards thrust on backhand side
    35 R hand twisting angle 2 labtik

    36(siete bartical) vertical downwards forhand Redondo
    37 Diagonal downwards forhand labtik
    38 Vertical downward backhand Redondo
    39 Diagonal downwards backhand labtik
    40 Diagonal downwards forhand witik
    41 Diagonal downwards backhand witik
    42 vertical downward two handed strike

    43(6 counts) (high)diagonal downward forhand labtik
    44) diagonal downward backhand labtik
    45) horizontal forhand labtik
    46) horizontal backhand labtik
    47) diagonal upwards forhand labtik
    48) diagonal upwards backhand labtik
    49) (mid)diagonal downward forhand labtik
    50) diagonal downward backhand labtik
    51) horizontal forhand labtik
    52) horizontal backhand labtik
    53) diagonal upwards forhand labtik
    54) diagonal upwards backhand labtik
    55) (low)diagonal downward forhand labtik
    56) diagonal downward backhand labtik
    57) horizontal forhand labtik
    58) horizontal backhand labtik
    59) diagonal upwards forhand labtik
    60) diagonal upwards backhand labtik

    61)(siete florette)diagonal downward forhand florette
    62) diagonal downward backhand florette
    63) horizontal forhand florette
    64) horizontal backhand florette
    65) diagonal upward forhand florette

    68)(punio) diagonal downward forhand punio
    69) diagonal downward backhand punio
    70) horizontal forhand punio
    71) horizontal backhand punio
    72) backhand upward punio
    73) backhand vertical downward punio
    74) forhand vertical downward punio
    75) forhand vertical downward punio with tear through
  6. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    What about footwork?

    I know there is a set footwork pattern to the first 25.

    What about the rest?
  7. ballistic

    ballistic Valued Member

    from what i can remember 26-29 is left foot forward switch on 30 then as far as i can remember the rest is right lead (if the stick is in the Right hand) but im sure there must be a further pattern but i dont know what it is, love to find out if anyone knows!
  8. inosanto1

    inosanto1 Valued Member

    i would say that there are only 2 strikes forehand/backhand i would also state that i am with Doce paris on this, there are 12 options outlined as to where it would be most likely to do the most damage after those 12 any other angle is going to be a slight variation of those 12 or at least that is the way my instructer explains it. :cool:

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