Wing Chun Bashing and Bruce Lee

Discussion in 'General Martial Arts Discussion' started by Kobudo-man, Jul 22, 2010.

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  1. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    You wanted a modern version of a HK rooftop fight so here it is:

    [ame=""]YouTube- Wing Chun Defeats MMA[/ame]

    BTW, troll, I used to train WC before switching to BJJ.

    BTW again, WTF is BBJ?

    I guess that's really gud kool aid you been drinkin'.
  2. Killa_Gorillas

    Killa_Gorillas Banned Banned

    don't you know wang chug would have owned bbj on the street noob? It reminds me of the time I fought naked in broken glass. We have a saying in wang chug it goes "schools out for the summer".
  3. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

    Fighting on rooftops? Reminds me of the Fight Quest wing chun episode. Most ridiculous result of the season. Jimmy had already messed up his knee, but despite that, he bowled over his opponent with a flurry of straight punches. Yet he was determined to be the loser because the punches had good range and thus weren't "wing chun" punches.

    [ame="!v=5QIDLH0f1Rg"]404 Not Found[/ame] (jump to 5:00)

    I would have thought that the sort of sort of flurry Jimmy opened up on his opponent with would be applauded by Wing Chun folks as a practical application of chain punching, but instead the folks judging said the very things that made it effective made it not Wing Chun.

    Thoughts from the WC folks here?
  4. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    I take one day out to go shopping with my poor mother and her wheelchair and the site becomes a frothing angry mess of wingchuniness. WTF happened here then?
    Peace & Freakin' harmony this morning. We were all singing beatles songs
  5. SpikeD

    SpikeD At the Frankenstein Place

    It was lucy's fault. Her and her addiction to sky diamonds.
  6. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I fully accept everything TheWingChunKid has said.

    Also, I can fly. At FTL speed.
  7. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    i can fly at FTW speed
  8. SpikeD

    SpikeD At the Frankenstein Place

    I walk in a WTF way.
  9. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    well, there's an entire martial art dedicated to KICKING in a WTF way
  10. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    and even one dedicated to punching in a WTF way- in some sort of chain thingy that goes round and round in a circle.
  11. TheWingChunKid

    TheWingChunKid Banned Banned

    That was real clever. Not!
    The flaw with BBJ , is that it gets me hot. I mean, it's two dudes, tough, strong dudes, rolling around on the floor together, tops open to the navel and they're right in each other's space, you know?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
  12. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Excuse me, do you have a problem with gays? because this:
    Suggests to me that you are one, and are covering for it by attacking them.
  13. TheWingChunKid

    TheWingChunKid Banned Banned

    I'm conflicted, I mean, there's the public face I have to put out to all the guys at school, but when we get in the locker room I get the tingles and sometimes have to hide as things "develop."
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
  14. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Yeah, I've gone with the odd guy. If you have a problem with that, you're a bigot. As well as a chunner.
    "The Devil Will Bare Witness. As I Am In Life, So Too Shall I Be In Death - retarded"?
  15. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    OMG, I must be gay because I do sweaty man hugging!

    Dude, I will take you serious once you show me a couple of vids of people using wing chun effectively against a non-compliant opponent, who is not another chunner.

    There are a couple of wing chun schools out there that compete in MMA but they train BJJ and catch wrestling also. Alan Orr's folks for one.

    Now go play chi sao and pretend your fighting. :hat:
  16. TheWingChunKid

    TheWingChunKid Banned Banned

    [ame=""]This Wing Chun guy is taking care of some light work[/ame]. He has some flaws in his armor which suggest to me where he's at with his Wing Chun. But for all its intents and purposes you clowns get the point. Suck on it and choke.
  17. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    Oh, get lost, troll.
  18. TheWingChunKid

    TheWingChunKid Banned Banned

    I don't "play" chi sao. Cause when I go "lightly" I end up punching holes through my opponents faces. You "play", "go easy", or "take it light?" I hope so, because I'm looking for someone who might satisfy something in me I've left unspoken - until now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
  19. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    You post THAT as a good example of Wing Chun Vs. whatever? I can show you BJJ black belts who are UFC champions and you come up with that? LMAO.

    Like I said go play chi sao with yourself.
  20. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    I think you do too, thweetie pie...
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