Haruka's Training Camp

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Princess Haru, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Seventh

    Seventh Super Sexy Sushi Time

    Woah, i like the deadlifts, nice!
  2. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Judo (Thur. 6-8pm)

    Regained a bit of pride with this class, even though I should have been taking it easy with my elbow and it was really painful before the class was done. Decent, large turnout more of a split experienced judoka and beginners, so after extended warmup with a bit of turnover practice there was a split. We continued with full guard Tate Shiho Gatame options to attack from the bottom, with an arm bar if uke tries a high collar grip, an alternative pivot over to the Hiza Gatame. Then instead of going for the arm pulling it forward using a choke, options to pull the leg hold back and roll over to get top position and apply more weight into the choke, cant find the proper japanese name but like Sankaku Jime only with the arms.

    Following this we took turns with Newaza, starting in guard, taking turns. I managed a decent escape and got a pin, and later an armbar, also missed one, got a choke, then had to tap out on a pin, got another choke, but finished with a guy who got me twice with a high Tate Shiho that I couldn't escape, submission by choke then armbar.

    To finish we had some Randori. I was going to sit it out but Nick called me onto the mat to go against Shenam, it was pretty scrappy, and looking over techniques I was in perfect position to pull off like Ko uchi gari, and Soto Maki Komi was kicking myself later. My first Tachiwaza with Julia, the German girl, she was quite tough and I only got position when it went to the ground, need to work on grips and throw entry, grrrr.

    I went back up for Maddy, she has tech and weight so it wasn't surprising I got thrown a couple of times, at the end I had a good ground attack though, and a second match with Shenam who was pushing me hard, and I know its mostly forward so annoyed I couldn't make a good entry for O Goshi or Ko uchi. Another time. Still it was several levels above my Tuesday class. Good effort

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuLDB1t0zqg"]Hiza Gatame - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNgIi4s1ZXc"]Judo for MMA - Soto Makikomi - YouTube[/ame]
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  3. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    You didnt get to try out harai ?
  4. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/stainesjujitsu/5371524194/" title="DSC06758 by stainesjujitsu, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5085/5371524194_826baca5a0_b.jpg" width="682" height="1024" alt="DSC06758"></a>
  5. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    I just didn't get close enough for a decent grip in all four of my Randori bouts. Sometimes that happens. I need to break grip much more when its just a battle of failed Tai Otoshis and Osuri Ashi attempts. Watching some of the bigger guys this is common, and often the only kuzushi is from a relaxing of the pushing down Russian Judo style, catching and hooking one foot to get a step or hop reaction. Its really like physical chess
  6. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    Keep at it .. and thanks for the posts and clips ... defintitly one of the best threads on map .
  7. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Gym (Fri. 8.15-9.45pm)

    The return of Spartacus! I was all set to abandon training tonight as still felt quite bruised and battered from Judo yesterday, legs felt heavy getting up from my chair during the day on the long long (it's a really big office) walk to the kitchen for more fruit tea. So the time came and I got my things together and went, taking my hard foam roller. I don't get how some guys are there with their girlfriends, anyway I don't have time to socialise.

    Warmup: skipping 5+ minutes; SMR with foam roller 10 minutes (just lower body)

    Workout Set: 60 seconds exercise:15 seconds rest
    01. KB Single Arm Swings with 12kg,
    02. Plyo Lunges
    03. KB Single Arm Bent Over Rows with 12kg,
    04. Mountain Climbers with 3kg DBs for stability
    05. Incline Rows with TRX
    06. T-Bar Pushups with 3kg DBs
    07. Forward Lunge and Rotate with 10kg plate
    08. Floor Cycling on mat
    09. Side Lunges
    10. Thrusters with 10kg plate (squat to french press)

    2 Minutes rest; Repeat Set
    2 Minutes rest: Repeat Set

    Post Workout/Cooldown:
    12kg KB combinations
    - KB Swings - KB High Pull - KB Snatch, both sides, several times
    - KB Swings - KB Clean - KB Windmill, both sides, several times
    - alternating KB Snatches

    Also tried Overhead Squat, first with 3kg DB, then a short unweighted bar, but even this I wasn't able to keep my posture correct with the bar overhead, it was creeping forward, so didn't try any of those with KB

    - KB Swing - KB Clean + Press - KB Squat, both sides, several times

    On the floor I also tried some KB Turkish GetUps, first alternating with 8kg, then trying the 12kg, I could get one side, but on the other I couldn't get the transition from kneeling to standing without losing the KB lockout and had to catch it in the rack, grrrr. Something to work on, might be weakened core though likely combination of core, my shoulder flexibility and poor technique.

    The End!:cool:
  8. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Judo (Sat. 4.30-6.30pm)

    My first Sat class this year, getting back into it after the new year and also doing gym training. Actually this is the first time I've managed the six consecutive days of training in a while.

    Lot of people on the mat, somewhere between 15 and 20, with 4 girls, Megan, Maddy, Shenam and myself. Started in the warmup with sweeping transitions then added them into drills with Ouchi Gari defence Ko Soto Gari (I think), and Ko Uchi with Ko Soto. There were others but alas I've forgotten.

    We got into groups for some power throw practice. I'd never done this before. In threes the third person held the second while the first attempted the throw, so the first person is effectively trying to throw two people. Starting with (Ippon) Seoi Nage, really getting a strong base and pulling hard into the throw. Repeated after we've all had a go, with Osoto Gari and Harai Goshi. I had most success with the last throw oddly.

    The crash mats were pulled out and we focussed on the second component of the power throw, the finish into the mat with follow through. My Seoi Nage needed some work. Harai Goshi wasn't so good when trying to setup for the mat, I wasn't going low before the pull. Similarly the pull off/break grip straight arm Tai Otoshi wasn't great, the classical method was more to my liking...

    Everyone finished with Tani Otoshi, also tried Ura Nage for variation.

    Then about 30 minutes of Randori. I got some throws in, but also got thrown. I had in mind Harai Goshi but couldn't get in and set up before also opening myself to a throw myself, usually a Tai Otoshi (as similar setup). Got in a solid Osoto Gari and Tani Otoshi.

    All in a pretty decent and hard session. Some of us headed to the pub later which ended up in a curry house and another pub and a late night home, somewhere along the line was discussed trying out for the 'Oxford vs Cambridge' Varsity match in seven weeks time. Gotta keep training hard!!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  9. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter

    Did you point your toes ?
  10. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    I remembered to point my toes, it was the first time I pulled off an Osoto Gari in Randori. I think where I don't get the position to throw is often not enough knee bend/squat on entry of the throw. Uchi komi for Seoi Nage and Harai Goshi, with crossing of feet always confused me as seems to be going into an unbalance position, but it does get the arms up and the centre of gravity down, so I will be trying to do more Band Uchi Komi outside of class. That and the stamp/spring action of the foot, demonstrated by these Japanese children

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPheVNtu-I"]under 10 warm up n uchi komi drills - YouTube[/ame]
  11. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Gym (Mon. 7.50-9.20pm)

    Bit of a mixed bag today, I went a bit earlier and got none of the benefit since I couldn't access a rack for ages, or dumbbells or an adjustable bench. Tried a couple of new things, I might be close to settling on a core set for my Mondays upper body day. Disappointed not to get more reps on Overhead Press, got a good balance of pull and push exercise, also tried out Landmines and alternative to cable Lat Pulldown.

    - mobility only: head up/down, left/right, side/side; shoulders one arm fwd/bwd, two arms fwd/bwd; upper/lower back bend fwd/walk out on hand/walk back on hands/repeat, side bends; rotations shoulder, hips, raise foot.

    Pull ups: 4,4,4,3,3,3 with old belt over bar, parallel grip

    Overhead Press:
    1 x 10 @ 20kg
    1 x 3 @ 30kg
    1 x 3 @ 35kg
    1 x 3,2# @ 37.5kg
    1 x 10 @ 25kg

    Bench Press:
    1 x 10 @ 20kg
    1 x 3 @ 30kg
    1 x 3 @ 35kg
    5 x 3 @ 40kg

    T-Bar Rows: 3 x 8 +25kg

    DB Seated Press: 2 x 15 @ 2 x 12.5kg

    Hang Cleans: 2 x 5 @ 30kg

    Power Cleans:
    1 x 5 @ 30kg
    1 x 5 @ 35kg
    1 x 5 @ 40kg

    Landmines: 1 x 10 es @ Bar + 10kg

    Shoulder/Lat Pulls: 3 x 8 +50kg

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk7RksvqGQs"]Anti Rotation Exercises - Sorinex Landmine Exercises - Barbell Rainbow - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-AJPkaqxSc"]Cybex Eagle Lat Pulldown - YouTube[/ame]
  12. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Judo (Tues. 8-9.30pm)

    I'm trying to keep in mind the suggestion that it is on 'bad' days when you are most likely to learn something. This was definately one of those. Started warmup okay, this led into some Uchi Komi across the length of the dojo, with some high pulls - standard grip, double pocket grip and double lapel grip. Then some pull type throws. I started with Ippon Seoi Nage, then Harai Goshi which wasn't bad with a high grip, not as good with lapel grip, Morote Seoi Nage (I should do more of these as it encourages a deeper squat which is a grave failing in many of my throw attempts) and Tai Otoshi. Switched to push type and tried Osoto Gari though was encouraged to use Harai Goshi instead.

    Now in pairs we took turns on a single hard push type grip for turning in with Ippon Seoi Nage. This led onto more situations where if you had a partner who was gripping hard and pulling down what to do. The obvious was a pitchover the top for back/obi grip for Sumi Gaeshi. This was the only good bit of technique I pulled off as I managed to get the additional transition into guard/Tate Shiho Gatame.

    Next was a possible combination/variation where the partner takes a step to avoid the Sumi Gaeshi leaving themselve open to Ko Uchi Gari. I got this a couple of times but also getting stuck in Half guard, I guess the initial throw would score.

    Finally, an option for when the partner tries to pull upwards to avoid being taken into a prep for Sumi Gaeshi, leading to a nice Osoto Gari... or Harai Goshi. A little bit of throw for throw Nage Komi...

    Finished with several bouts in Randori. I just wasn't connecting a grip with any kuzushi movement and a throw. I have noticed that more junior partners will resist the grip and so the setup for a throw is more trying to establish which way they want to go. More experienced dan grade judoka are waiting for the push or pull, what you aim to do with this grip. I notice this is where I get stuck and why throw attempts always fail, I don't follow through, hardly ever. When they grip and started the throw prep I knew there was say 5-10 seconds and I would be thrown, just a question of which throw. Quite demoralising and I was a bit scared at times at just knowing but seeming unable or frozen from any decision making to counter or free myself from the position.

    Class could not finish fast enough :(

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re-fIA98g_A"]Sumi Gaeshi from Belt Grip - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFw4jHz1hz4"]Judo Basics- Getting a reaction Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
  13. Alansmurf

    Alansmurf Aspire to Inspire before you Expire Supporter


    Are you over thinking your randori...

    Try to feel the opponents energy and then just go with what your body tells you for a nage waza ...dont analysis it first just go with it

    We all have bad nights on the mats ..its life ...You wear your heart on your sleeve in this thread and the last post was not good.

    Stick withit you have the mindset to be good and definitely the application .

  14. Sylverstorm

    Sylverstorm Valued Member

    I don't know if this will help you, but it worked for me with grappling. Against stronger/better partners I just did my best trying to notice which submission/move (or throw for you) they'd go for and then defend against it.

    Maybe a little boring, but it made my defence quite a bit better and stopped me from freezing up as much.
  15. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Gym (Wed. 8.15-9.45pm)

    Reasonably satisfied, no big numbers tonight, I could have pushed harder but need to consolidate technique, particularly upper body position. There was a full size barbell sitting in the mat area so I added that to my warmup, and later when I couldn't find a bar to squat, had to go back and carry it the other side of the gym.

    Warmup 1: head fwd/bwd, left/right; shoulder arm circle fwd/back, horizontal/diagonal swings; upper body fwd, side lunge, transfer other side lunge, repeat.

    Warmup 2 (with barbell): Glute Bridges 1 x 10, Floor Press 1 x 10 wide grip, 1 x 10 narrow grip, Single Arm Press (bottom of bar against wall) 1 x 10 es, Landmines 1 x 10 left/right, Lunges/Step back 1 x 10 left/right.

    Front Squats:
    1 x 5 @ 30kg
    1 x 5 @ 40kg
    5 x 5 @ 45kg

    Back Squats:
    1 x 5 @ 40kg
    1 x 5 @ 50kg
    1 x 5 @ 60kg
    5 x 3 @ 70kg

    Leg Curls: 3 x 12 @ 40kg

    Thigh Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 40kg

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO3f14XvK9o"]Landmine 1-Arm Press - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMRAmcd7Qf4"]Thigh extension burn outs or Screamers - YouTube[/ame]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2013
  16. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    have you considered doing back-off sets to work on technique? they're a pretty good way to add extra volume to a workout without killing yourself trying to rep out your top sets.

    depending on what the problem is with your upper body posture, some lockouts might be good too. i had pretty good success fixing my posture in general by doing some really heavy-ass front squat lockouts to a top set and then a bunch of paused singles.
  17. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Is that like a Drop Set? I definately do these for Overhead Press and Bench Press and think they have helped, something Wendler is keen on in 531.

    On Front Squat I can hold the rack position quite well for 3 x 5 but it won't hold out much longer, and when the weight is more forward I can't get that fast acceleration out of the bottom, so 45kg isn't the most I can do but to get clean technique it's what I feel is my limit. Plus as I didn't have a rack I took the start from a Power Clean, and 45kg is the most I've tried. I have 50kg and maybe more in me but it's all dependent on keeping that upright. Looking up helps, amazed at the weights Donny Shankle does on these.

    Back Squat probably could have done more weight or more reps even without a belt, 80kg is the most I've done raw. I haven't quite got the feel of the Power Rack, the angle of the hooks are a bit awkward compared to the last gym, when I unrack it will sometimes hit the next pin up, and I like to unrack strong, take a step back and know then it's okay. I actually got faster concentric accereration on 70kg from below parallel than in some of my earlier Front Squats, which is encouraging after a 6 month gap from squatting.
  18. Fish Of Doom

    Fish Of Doom Will : Mind : Motion Supporter

    yeah, but usually done as the bulk of the work, rather than focusing on the top set and then just tacking more stuff at the end like it's usually doneon drop sets (otoh, as we say in argentina, "i crap on the difference").

    i'm guessing the pins aren't movable?

    for fronts i'd definitely recommend some lockouts (just unrack the weight and hold it for a bit before re-racking. you can get some ridiculously large weights out this way, my own max being almost twice my max for actual front squats, and it acts as a pretty nice 'brute force' way to strengthen the mid-back), and for both fronts and backs, anderson squats (ie starting from and finishing at the safety pins rather than top-down as usual), which shift the emphasis to correct positioning in the hole (don't do them too low or the set-up might screw with your knees a bit. anywhere between parallel and halfway to ATG should work).
  19. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Judo (Thurs. 6-8pm)

    Unlike last week no class split/ beginners group. Pretty full on class, from the added cardio in the warmup, to revision on last week's groundwork from below - guard: straight arm collar grab defended with armbar; alternatively pullover into Hiza Gatame, or pull arm forward to a choke, push legs back to rollover onto top continue choke; additional alternative, feeding the arm under, moving across from guard into a low position, pulling to the side (apparently this is a variation of the Anaconda choke in BJJ).

    We had 8 newaza bouts, though with the mat quite busy had to give way a couple of times, sometimes that worked to my advantage when I was trying to escape from a pin, did reasonably well with some submissions from armbar, pin and choke, and some escapes from pin, though I did tap too when it was unlikely and didn't want to tire myself out. Did accidentally put on a Kimura, wouldn't be allowed in competition, just couldn't manoeuvre myself into a better position for a proper armbar

    Finished like last week with some Randori. I got a couple in but was kinda coaching a lighter weight girl in second. First one was better with a Osoto Gari, Tai Otoshi and Tani Otoshi, oh and a Kesa Gatame, groundwork was included. What I was thinking about on Tuesday could be summarised as 1. Grip, 2. Unbalance/Control, 3. Throw. I get lazy/forget about the second, since some kyu grades do that as soon as they grip and I use that in looking for my throw or break grip. Doesn't work with strong judoka though.
  20. Princess Haru

    Princess Haru Valued Member

    Judo (Sat. 4.30-6ish)

    This has to rank in the Top 10 of my worst ever classes... Lot of Uchi Komi, though I felt more off balance almost of the time because of the nature of the Tai Sabaki as part of the movement and with bad timing, hardly any of the throws felt right.

    Started with Osoto Gari, that was okay; then mirror (my left, their right) with Ippon Seoi Nage, at one point I got thrown (not really supposed to happen). Then moving side to side with inside arm Seoi Nage, took turns, found this awkward in timing as well; the Harai Goshi one side, Okuri Ashi Barai other side, I could not get my arms up and body down in time to get their balance. The back and forward was a little easier Uchi Mata forward, and Seoi Nage back.

    At this point we repeated last weeks Ouchi Gari attack Ko Uchi Gari defence, both struggled on this; then Ouchi Gari attack Ko Soto Gari defence; finally Tai Otoshi attack Ko Soto Gake defence. I was more often going down, and in the last could not even avoid the Tai Otoshi attack, it was too full on. I was quite upset at this point.

    The class did some throw for throw Nage Komi, I didn't really feel up to it, though a little later Shenam and I had a bit of a go I couldn't even pull off a decent Seoi Nage with confidence, it was completely destroyed during Uchi Komi with Maddy. I think not only being lighter, with higher centre of gravity, much less refined technique what should have been improving my technique was only making it worse.:cry:

    Last part was some power mat throwing but couldn't really explain what I wasn't getting. I was tired from all the being thrown earlier and wobbly feet and no tech. I just left. So did Shenam later as she had bent her toes back in one of the Ko Soto defences with a guy. We're usually paired together but occasionally it's good to work with someone else, though today that wasn't the case.


    Gym (Sat. late 6ish-7.45pm)

    After popping my head in Tsunami Gym (they were having an MMA sparring camp) I went to my gym, only had my sweaty rash vest and shorts, not my usual kit or even a watch or mp3player. Plan was undefined though some bag work was definately going to be in there. If nothing else the cable stuff gave me some ideas for what I maybe should include...

    Skipping 3 x 3 mins

    Heavy Bag 10 mins

    Med Ball Leg Raises/Pass Over x 20

    Med Ball Sit Ups/Stand & Throw x 20

    Swiss Ball DB Bench Press - 2 x 8 @ 2 x 15kg; 2 x 8 @ 2 x 17.5kg

    Swiss Ball Single Arm DB Rows - 3 x 8 left/right @ 22.5kg

    Pallof Press - 2 x 20 seconds hold left/right @ 20kg

    Single/straight arm crossover 2 x 5 left/right @ 12.5kg

    Single Arm high cable curl 2 x 5 left/right @ 20kg

    Single Arm low cable rows 2 x 5 left/right @ 20kg

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZU-5gSUvgI"]Chops, Lifts, and Pallof Presses - YouTube[/ame]

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