Morra: John Will Seminar and his thoughts...

Discussion in 'Brazilian Jiu Jitsu' started by Hissatsu, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Find me the quote where I called Morra a liar and I will apologise. All I recall is you flipping out in a completely unnecessary way because Hissatsu said he thought Morra was a liar and then flipping out more because I didn't agree with you about how serious the whole thing was. I explained in some detail that I didn't think such a comment was worthy of modding given the tone of many other comments which were allowed AND since it was clearly based on the fact that Morra was unable/unwilling to substantiate his claims.

    Whether you see what Morra has done in this thread as lying or not is fairly debatable. Personally, I don't think he 'lied' I think he exaggerated a story he heard and has since taken every opportunity to avoid acknowledging that he exaggerated a story that he hadn't checked on simply to try and make a point. However, where you draw the lines between exaggeration, credulity, honest mistakes and lies in this case is largely a matter of personal preference.

    We aren't 'where you come from' though, we are on an on-line discussion forum. Different rules apply. You can talk about what you would consider responsible behaviour and I may even agree but that doesn't mean the forum is going to change to suit what you want. So to put it simply... suck it up. You raised this issue, I made a decision, you disagreed and I suggested you report it. You reported it, the other mods discussed it, agreed with my decision and sent you a reply explaining as much. If you want to raise the same issue again then go ahead but I wouldn't hold out my breath for a positive response.

    On the contrary Connovar. Very little of what you say goes over my head. I just don't agree with you. I also find your semi-constant snide remarks, quasi-trolling of the Ninjutsu forum and general petulant behaviour to make you a poor candidate for taking mod advice from and this is coming from one of the few mods who has argued FOR you in the past!

    1. I'm not modding every time I post. I am a member with an opinion which I will express when I feel like it. When I'm making a moderation decision I will say so clearly.
    2. If you don't think I'm responding appropriately then report the post you think I am going too easy/too hard on. This will flag it for all the other mods who will then have a look, discuss it and take whatever action is generally agreed upon.
    3. I don't really regard you as a good candidate for taking advice on moderating on. You seem to be very happy with mods when they are agreeing with you and very unhappy when they disagree with you... agreeing with Connovar is only the sign of a good mod if you are Connovar.
  2. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Connovar, it's slander when spoken, libel when written. And it's libel only if Hissatsu's comments were untrue. Seems they were very true indeed, ergo not libel. But a lawsuit for libel landing on Morra's doorstep for his comments about John Will? That is a scenario I can imagine coming true.
  3. Connovar

    Connovar Banned Banned

    Hee, hee, I feel like fox in a chicken coop!:evil:

    Keep on clucking boys!:):):)
  4. Morra

    Morra Valued Member

    I stand by my entire story. My source, a John WIll Black belt, told me before a seminar, he would call out each person, and they would grapple. He allowed them to do whatever they wanted: go for eye gouges, groin grabs, whatever. He himself was not gouging eyes or hurting anyone. As he stated, he only did this back in da day when no one understood BJJ, one of the reasons for this, which he left out, was that they would pester him with questions about eye gouges and all that crap. No one legit asks those questions anymore because they know it's not enough to rely on to counter grappling. If you don't believe he did that, I don't care, I know it happened that way because my source is reliable and none of you know squat about it.

    It was controlled and "friendly" as far as it goes, but even Mr. WIll concedes that the challenges he did at his seminars did "embarass" people - because they'd basically get crushed and submitted in under 20 seconds. It's believable now becasue now, by asking questions properly like I did in my email to him, all this was taking place back before people understood the power of BJJ over pure striking, and had 0 skills. Now, I doubt he could be nearly as succesful dong that because people have learned BJJ kicks ass.

    I have no problem with contacting Mr. WIll about this, which Dan did, but it was HOW he did it. Showing him print outs of posts. ANd Dan couldn't even get it right with Will standing right in from of him. He didn't probe and ask all the questions, he just went there to try to get the answers he wanted. Demonstrates a complete lack of objectivity. LIke I said ALL ALONG, he wasn't after the truth, he was just out to try to discredit me becuase I got his panties in a bunch by challenging BJK members. He failed.

    I don't get you guys: one minute you're praising John Will, the next you're trying to poke fun at how he gave out one of his first black belts. Yes, black belts take tests in BJJ. Every school is different. Back then, my friend and source had been studying under Will for a number of years. He EARNED that black belt from John Will, and the final test was rolling with eveyrone in the club. CKava, what are you on, mate? Are you saying my source just showed up, rolled around one time, and they tossed a black belt on him? Do you know ANYHTING???? Jesus wept...

    I'd like to see anyone here from the Booj last 20 minutes, let alone 45 in such a test. For me, that's something to work towards, not something to mock. A ninja mocking how a BJJ blackbelt got his belt - Puh LEEESE....

    Now I've got people reduced to opening dictionaries to try to WORM out of what they called me. Save your breath. Juevenile, pathetic, and very, very amusing. Keep up the bad work, suckas...
  5. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On



  6. Nutjob

    Nutjob Jimmy Tarbuck

    more like a clown in a university.....
  7. Nutjob

    Nutjob Jimmy Tarbuck

    i can smell the salty tears all the way over here...if i were you i would wear my loser tshirt today as this thread has shown on many levels that you lost this argument, Dan came to this thread and posted about John Will, you keep on having a pop at 'the ninjers' a desparate pop, if i had been made out to be a liar like you i would have conceded defeat and bowed out....not you though, you stick around and even get your dad to back you up....
  8. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    So is this an admission of trolling then ?
  9. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Don't have time to address the rest of what you wrote but just to clarify.

    No I wasn't suggesting any of that.

    I was honestly asking whether black belt testings where common in other schools as my experience with blackbelts is that they are presented without any sort of test. I can imagine they may be in other schools or that the situation a decade or so ago was different from now. As such, I was not suggesting your friend did not earn his blackbelt, as he is an entirely unknown entity I have no basis to judge that, but my default expectation is that BJJ blackbelt's are generally very capable and very deserving of their belts. My question about whether he was awarded it 'out of the blue' was referring to whether or not he knew he was doing a test or whether he just thought he was doing an intense training exercise and was then awarded the belt. It wasn't meant to be an insult, just a query.

    My other point was that your friends blackbelt grading doesn't lend any support to your seminar story. Rolling with everyone for 45 minutes, while very tough, is not something that will sound particularly bizarre to anyone who has trained in BJJ for any length of time. You seemed to see this exercise as occurring as a kind of validation that your 'uber tough seminar' story was true but as I've already highlighted folks rolling and beating many people is not what all this was about. That is fairly standard!
  10. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    Actually have some time now so here goes...

    Since John Will denied this version of events and only admitted to rolling with people (which btw no one ever doubted) you are essentially saying that you don't care what he said because your friend told you different. That's ok but it's worth noting that your/your friend's account conflicts with what John Will has said. Remember your account was shown EXACTLY as you posted and he said it was nonsense and never happened. BJJ black belts are not god like beings incapable of exaggerating or embellishing stories... you're free to believe your unnamed friend but I think the rest of us will believe John until there is some more evidence he is wrong.

    Oh dear God... Morra, back off the BJJ kool aid. You are giving the rest of us BJJ folks a bad image. Grappling was an underrated skill in certain areas of the martial arts community, early MMA events taught people how important and effective grappling could be and BJJ fighters functioned as the main examples of this. BJJ is an excellent ground based grappling system and it can be very effective however it really isn't the be all and end all. Pure strikers are not to be dismissed, especially outside of a MMA scenario.

    I wouldn't have shown him a print out either but I understand why Dan would. If he hadn't it's quite clear now you would be using that to claim he misrepresented your arguments. As for Dan not being purely objective I'm sure he isn't but that doesn't make the fact that John Will dismissed your version of events as pure fiction any less true.

    What guys other than me have said anything about John Will's black belts? And where did I say any of the things you suggest? I asked whether such tests where common for black belts because in my experience, at my school, the two promotions to black belts involved tournaments rather than tests. I was curious whether such tests where common elsewhere, that's all. And Mora, about BJJ I think I certainly know a hell of a lot more than you, are you even training yet?

    Who are you referring to here? No Ninjutsu practitioner has made any comment on the test!!! I am a BJJ practitioner and as a result hardly regard a BJJ black belt as something to mock- hell I even consider a blue belt a very good achievement. So please... who is this aimed at and what is it referring to??? Or is it just a rather transparent attempt to make yourself seem like like a reasonable poster?

    Yeah, sounds about right. I wouldn't expect people to take your stories/positions from now particularly seriously. All of the other BJJ practitioners aside from Connovar are clearly not on your side. That should tell you something, but it probably won't...
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  11. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Somewhat off-topic here, but an interesting story nonetheless.

    Bill Wallace was delivering a seminar one time. He would spar everyone at the seminar, and on average there would be two or three students who would lay on heavy contact in an attempt to hurt Bill. Probably so they could say the beat him (no-one ever did though ;) ). One time at a seminar he partnered up to spar against a beast of a student, who was 6'5 and over 250 lbs. Bill and the student agreed to spar lightly, and they're sparring nice and easy with Bill tagging the guy in the head a couple of times with hook kicks. The student then gets red-faced and comes charging in, and Bill lands a defensive side kick into the guy's ribs and he falls flat on his ass. Bill helps the student to his feet, and again they both agree to go nice and easy. Bill kicks the student in the head (lightly) several more times, and the other guy comes charging in once more. Bill repeats the defensive side kick and puts him on his ass for a second time. They stop sparring after that (Bill didn't help him to his feet this time). A week after the seminar Bill receives a letter from that student's lawyers demanding payment for damages thst occurred during their bout of sparring. Bill, along with other greats including Benny Urquidez and Joe Lewis, don't spar at seminars anymore for this reason.

    The morra* of the story? John Will would've had his **** sued off if he ever engaged in those no holds barred grappling bouts that was claimed. I have no doubt he rolled with everyone at seminars, but not on the purported gladiatorial "mat of death".

    *Morra, moral. Geddit?
  12. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    The drama is killing me! :rolleyes:
  13. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Lmao I can't believe Superfoot actually managed to get Bill Walace into the thread lol
  14. CKava

    CKava Just one more thing... Supporter

    The internet is serious business don't you know!
  15. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    I can. It's every thread now. It's in the TOS:rolleyes:
  16. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I can't believe they let Mel Gibson play him in a movie.
  17. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    I think he's a bit worried. The farmer has already blasted Morra's argument all over the floor of the chicken coop and there's not much else to shoot at:woo:
  18. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Well, Superfoot does have that prediliction for blue make-up.

  19. koyo

    koyo Passed away, but always remembered. RIP.

    I did have a bit of a growling match with Morra on another thread but to be fair to Morra.

    Whenever there is a Makotokai night out and some of the students from "back in the day" are there..all of the present students keep asking about my "enthusiastic encounters" at that time.

    I consistantly deny them. Just maybe Mr Will is doing the same.

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  20. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    What can I say fellas, it's my calling :D

    Bill Wallace lapel badges now only a fiver...

    Psst, Mitch, I thought we agreed to keep the makeup thing between us?

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