Morra: John Will Seminar and his thoughts...

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Hissatsu, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

    Hi All:

    Today I had the pleasure of training with John Will at the Huntington Beach Krav Maga studio (run by Beau Durocher).

    The seminar was from 6pm to 9pm - I arrived around 5:40 for registration. John hadn't arrived yet, I introduced myself to Beau as Daniel (the guy who had emailed them last week about the seminar). I had emailed John last week about the seminar in Long Beach - and John had put me in touch with Beau for the details directly.

    While I was signing the waiver - I mentioned to Beau that in addition to looking forward to training with John - I was also there to track down the truth about something that was said about John on the internet. He asked me what was said - so I told him about Morra's statement - he laughed and said "wouldn't happen." He added, "not that John couldn't do it, but he wouldn't need to do that...".

    The seminar started a couple mins late (John had flown over from Australia earlier - and had spent 3 hours at Universal Studios with his family and was running just a couple mins late) - and he explained his teaching style. He will explain everything at least 3 times (general description of how it works, then how one side of the partner drills worked - then the other side). He also said specifically that if you didn't understand something to please stop him and ask a question. He gave a quick example: If I say something like "underhook" because I assume everyone knows what that is - and you don't - please stop me so I can explain it properly.

    I am not going to go through the next three hours - but let me just say John is an amazing instructor who teaches things simply in a way that encourages students to take ownership of their training. He is a very good coach - and explained some things for the instructors in the group that were well worth the seminar cost alone (and had nothing to do with how to move into clinch / take-down). I will echo Dao's comments and say if anyone has a chance to train with John - to please take the opportunity.

    When the seminar was over - I waited for most of the people to wander out after buying his books. Then I approached him and asked him directly about comments made by Morra. I had copied both of Morra's statements down (spelling errors intact) - the original statement and the "revision". I gave him a copy of it so he could look it over directly (he read through Morra's original and Morra's revised version).

    He said directly that it never happened (that is the PG version of his words). He said specifically that he never aggressively put people down. More over - he said that people came to his seminars to learn - not to fight him. He also said (as I noted earlier) that he *encourages* questions from everyone (again, congruent with my limited experience with him).

    Even more interesting was he mentioned that during BJJ seminars he may roll with everyone (which, according to Morra's revised version - is exactly the opposite of his "expert" said).

    Anyway - I knew mid last week that there was a good chance I would have the opportunity to train with John Will - which is why I encouraged Morra settle on a specific version of his "story".

    This will be cross posted to the BJJ sub-forum as well - and I am emailing a version to John directly (I asked him beforehand if it was ok to post this on his behalf).

    Anyway - thought everyone out here should know.

    Take care - train safe.


    PS. Morra - ball's in your court.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2009
  2. Ace of Clubs

    Ace of Clubs Banned Banned

    Props to you.

    You have a true understanding of ninpo :cool:

    Everyone and i mean everyone can learn from your example.
  3. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

    Taken from the BJJ thread here:

    Round 2 again:

    I know. This was obvious in your defense of your statements earlier. In your mind - him trashing a room full of Non-Bjjers is just badass (and commendable / awesome).

    What you don't understand (because, honestly, you have no real experience here) - is that people who get paid to put on seminars don't trash the people at the seminar (needlessly). If I wanted to bring Mr. Will in - and read your version of what he does - I would cancel the seminar. I don't need my students and friends getting smoked in a NHB fight with a world-class coach.

    Secondly - it makes Mr. Will look like a petty, insecure D-bag (again, the exact opposite of what he was). And it also makes him seem unapproachable (exactly what you DON'T want in a seminar instructor) - again exactly opposite of how he is. Just given that information, I would cancel the seminar.

    You don't understand that. Most likely you never will. Which is sad. Really, it is.

    I'll double check this shortly - because your words are empty and meaningless. Sorry.

    Yep it did. And you decided to bet the farm (and your tiny reputation here) on it. Welcome to the consequences.

    Here is the original quote so people can judge context for themselves:

    Not exactly. It wasn't a flame - it is a complete credibility assassination. Now you have none on here.

    Duely noted. This statement will haunt you for the rest of your short time on this site.

    Oh yeah - back to your nameless expert "friend". Right. See line above this about internet stories.

    First - I didn't roll with Mr. Will.

    Second - No. Not even CLOSE. His ability does not match his belt.

    His abilities go way beyond his BJJ blackbelt. He seems extremely skilled in a variety of areas - due to the extensive training he has done OUTSIDE of BJJ.

    I assume that wasn't the answer you were looking for was it nutrider.

    Probably. He is a fantastic instructor. But I know of quite a few people who would give him a rough time at it...

    When was their a claim of comparable abilities? Anyone?

    Didn't think so. This is something called a strawman. And I don't play your silly little games.

    For the record - it is well known there is Quality Control problem with BJK ranking. This is a dead horse. Here is a stick. Have at it bro. Its good for your conditioning (which you will need).

    Sure. I'd like to start with this comment you made:

    What isn't a happy answer (the statement assumes you know the answer - so let's hear it (with sources please))?

    Don't worry - I expect you to dodge this again. LOL.


    Let's focus on you. I don't have a problem with "ninjutsu" (lol) - I have a problem with you. And I enjoy making examples of people like you.

    So step up again (you have literally nothing to lose that you haven't already lost on this site).

  4. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    This is really important. Over the last 5 years I have entrusted my students, whose safety I look after every time we train, to a few people for seminars, several of them from MAP.

    I researched the people each time and took time to understand them before going ahead; how could I not?

    And if I heard these kinds of stories I wouldn't let them anywhere near my club.

    Someone giving a seminar doesn't need to demonstrate they are teh d34dly, I wouldn't have invited them in unless they have something worth learning. If I knew they were so insecure they need to pull a stunt like that, they'd never get a foot in the door.

    Real MA training is not about chest puffing machismo, it's about learning from skilled people who are good teachers in as safe an environment as possible. Someone who is billed as world class but who acts like an insecure child is not the sort of person to be teaching MA and all decent Instructors of any style know that. Any rumours of that sort are detrimental to the reputation and therefore livelihood of a genuine MA Instructor.

  5. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

  6. noname

    noname Valued Member


    ......I wish I had a first name as a last name......

  7. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Don't you just wish you had any names?

  8. Morra

    Morra Valued Member

    Email from John Will:

    fromJohn Will <edited email address out>

    dateTue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:01 PM
    subjectRe: My Appologies / Seminars

    Hi Morra,
    My apologies for a tardy reply – I have only just arrived home from the USA.
    There was a time, way back before BJJ became known, where we would wrestle everyone (in a friendly – non-confrontational way) before or after a seminar. I havn’t done that for a long time now – mainly because I feel I have nothing to prove – don’t want to embarrass anyone – but more importantly, it just wastes too much time. I spend my time teaching and imparting techniques, concepts and ideas in the short space of time left to me at seminars. I hope this clears things up .
    Very best wishes
    John Will
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2009
  9. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Morra - I've edited John Will's email address from your post. Regardless of whether or not he's happy for you to quote it, I'm sure he doesn't want to risk a load of spam in his mailbox.
  10. Morra

    Morra Valued Member

    That's fine - but it's not Mr. Will's private email; it's on his public website and linked to his affiliate students.
  11. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Well fair enough then. However, we tend to remove email addresses as a matter of principle, that being "better safe than sorry".
  12. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

    Just for clarification's sake Morra - did you post john's response to prove you actually wrote him - or to defend your first version of the story?

    I assumed the former (and good on you mate for doing the right thing) - <sniping not necessary> - so it is best to be extra clear on this.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2009
  13. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

  14. Nutjob

    Nutjob Jimmy Tarbuck

    I'm sure Morra has edited the email to suit his story. <Insult removed>
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2009
  15. Hissatsu

    Hissatsu End of the Road: Moved On

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