I'm giving up CLF

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by Infrazael, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    Hey guys, you all know how long I have been a proponent of Choy Lay Fut over the years, ever since I started martial arts. I've done a lot of different systems (some I spent a while learning, while others I merely dabbled). You also know my position on Wing Chun, that most of it out there is not very effective.

    Well, today I had my first official Wing Chun class, the guy I've been learning Brazilian Jujutsu from also teaches Wing Chun, and his "style" is very different than 99% of other WC that I have come across.

    I learned the form Sil Lum Tau tonight, and the benefits of Chi Sao training. Furthermore, I learned the Wing Chun way of power generation, through using the whole body, not just the arms and shoulders, to produce a ton of power at close range.

    I think the style suits my body type and size better (I'm not a big guy), and also, the way that my teacher does it is very deliberate and methodical, every attack producing maximum power. It's not blind chain punching.

    Today, I'd like to say farewell to my CLF brethren. It's been fun, but it's time to move on as a martial artist and fighter. I've been at a crossroads for a while now, and this is the decision I have made.

    Take care

    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm


    Ok april fools, good one:)
  3. dnovice

    dnovice Valued Member

    haha. yeah. you got me good man. I was looking at the calendar and just saw the date. Give me back my pm. lol. I'll get you next time.
  4. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    This is not a joke, Wing Chun is SERIOUS BUSINESS!!! :woo:
  5. CFT

    CFT Valued Member

    We need to see a pic of you doing chi sau or sitting in Yi Ji Kim Yeung ma to take you seriously. We could do with a laugh anyway.

    You had me fooled until GSH's post. Good one. You sound too hardcore CLF to move over.
  6. CFT

    CFT Valued Member

    OK, I take it back. He posted this before April Fools:

  7. DontMoveTilUCIt

    DontMoveTilUCIt Valued Member

    Well Infrazael, if you are being serious (it's past 12pm over here), then I wish you every luck. I know that many people whinge about wing chun, but there are the odd schools around that are actually really good

    Not having trained in CLF I can't compare Kamon to it. But it would be a shame if you truly are leaving something you love

    If it is an April Fools, then nice one

    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm


    Yeah Yeah Yeah , ok if you are serious then you have become a fung gwok jai and you know what that means.


    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm


    I think he just hooked his fish.:)
  10. CFT

    CFT Valued Member

    You mean "Faan gwut jai" (Canto)?

    Hardly. "Yan gwok yau jee" (It's a free country).
    The BSG is not a triad organization is it?

    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm


    I was joking because i think he is joking and thanks for the spell check and i am guessing you dont know to much about the history of the BSG and that i wont get into.
  12. Spinmaster

    Spinmaster Valued Member

    Are you really "giving it up"? Surely after having trained it for so long, you will carry it's benefits into your new training. :cool:
  13. beknar

    beknar Valued Member

    so what did your si-hing up in washington have to say about your ahh, 'decision', hmm? :)
  14. YellowFury

    YellowFury Valued Member

    If this is not true: this is pretty epic for an april fools joke. Had me convinced for a bit.

    If this is true: OMGZ, irony to the max. That being said, good luck with the chun. It might be cool to see chun and clf combined into your striking style, by the way.

    GSHAMBROOKE Thats Tarm Sarm



    If im wrong the jokes on me.:)
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  16. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    April Fools FTW.

    I was laughing so damn hard all day . . . to the point where I woke all of my roommates up at 3:00am and they were all looking at me like I've gone crazy.
  17. DontMoveTilUCIt

    DontMoveTilUCIt Valued Member

    Only problem with it is that you didn't say April Fools before 12pm
    Otherwise a good trick though
  18. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    The 12pm rule is ridiculous and arbitrary. If it is the norm, then it would be called "April Fool's Half-Day" not "April Fool's Day."

    The "day" implies a 24-hour period.
  19. DontMoveTilUCIt

    DontMoveTilUCIt Valued Member

    Just like D-Day? The day means the day on which the thing occurs. They couldn't just call it April Fool's, because that is the description of the person who is fooled

    By your logic, the day should be called 'April Fool Which Lasts All Day'

    You knew the rules, you broke them, and now you must pay the price of the fool backfiring. Bwahahaha
  20. Infrazael

    Infrazael Banned Banned

    I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but OK.

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